{ TL> Could someone please give me a good routine or sample for a TL> scrolling lightbar menu. Mine always trun out ka-putz. } Procedure TestMenu; VAR choices : ARRAY[1..6] of STRING[15]; current : BYTE; c : CHAR; done : BOOLEAN; BEGIN done:=FALSE; clrscr; choices[1]:='Menu Option #1'; choices[2]:='Menu Option #2'; choices[3]:='Menu Option #3'; choices[4]:='Menu Option #4'; choices[5]:='Menu Option #5'; choices[6]:='Menu Option #6'; textcolor(7); textbackground(0); for current:=1 to 6 do begin gotoxy(2,current+1); write(choices[current]); end; current:=1; repeat { highlight current option } gotoxy(2,current+1); textcolor(15); textbackground(1); write(choices[current]); { process input } while not(keypressed) do begin end; c:=readkey; case c of #0:begin c:=readkey; case c of #72:begin gotoxy(2,current+1); textcolor(7); textbackground(0); write(choices[current]); dec(current); if (current=0) then current:=6; end; #80:begin gotoxy(2,current+1); textcolor(7); textbackground(0); write(choices[current]); inc(current); if (current=7) then current:=1; end; end; end; #13:begin case current of { process actions based on the current option # } 1:begin end; 2:begin end; { etc. } end; end; #27:begin done:=TRUE; end; end; until (done); end;