{> I need about 10 megs of raw data and am looking For info-pascal archives. > Do they exist? ...and if so could someone please direct me to where I can I wish everyone made such easy requests to fulfil. Try the following Program. With minor changes, it will supply you With almost any amount of data For which you could ask. } Program GenerateData; Uses Crt; Const DataWanted = 3.0E5; Var Data : File of Byte; Count : LongInt; Garbage : Byte; begin Assign(Data, 'Data.1MB'); ReWrite(Data); Count := 0; Garbage := 1; For Count := 1 to Round(DataWanted) do begin Write(Data, garbage); (* smile *) GotoXY(1,1); Write(Count); Inc(Count); end; Close(Data) end.