{ KARIM SULTAN Believe it or not, Int 19h is not he way to go. It will stimulate a warm boot, but it is not very safe. It doesn't do some of the shutdown work necessary For some applications, and the preferred method is to set the Word at location 40:72 and to jump to $FFFF:0. Here are my Procedures For doing reboots from a Program: } Procedure ColdBoot; Assembler; Asm Xor AX, AX Mov ES, AX Mov Word PTR ES:[472h],0000h {This is not a WARM boot} Mov AX, 0F000h Push AX Mov AX, 0FFF0h Push AX Retf end; Procedure WarmBoot; Assembler; Asm Xor AX, AX Mov ES, AX Mov Word PTR ES:[472h],1234h {This is not a COLD boot} Mov AX, 0F000h Push AX Mov AX, 0FFF0h Push AX Retf end;