{ GERD KORTEMEYER here are two Units For trapping float-exceptions. In your Program you will have to add Uses err387 and at the beginning of your main Program say For example begin exception(overflow, masked); exception(underflow, dumpask); exception(invalid, dumpexit); autocorrect(zerodiv, 1.0); exception(precision, masked); In this way you can choose For any kind of exception in which way it is to be handeled. After the lines above the result of a division by zero will be '1.0', in Case of an underflow there will be a dump of the copro and the user will be asked For the result he wants the operation to have, in Case of an overflow the largest available number will be chosen and so on ... Here are the Units err387 and dis387 } { ---------------------------------------------------------- } { Fehlerbehandlungsroutinen fuer den Intel 80387 bzw. 486 DX } { Geschrieben in Turbo Pascal 6.0 } { von Gerd Kortemeyer, Hannover } { ---------------------------------------------------------- } Unit err387; Interface Uses dis387, Dos, Crt; Const invalid = 1; denormal = 2; zero_div = 4; overflow = 8; underflow = 16; precision = 32; stackfault= 64; con1 = 512; masked = 0; runtime = 1; dump = 2; dumpexit = 3; dumpask = 4; autocorr = 5; Procedure exception(which, what : Word); Procedure autocorrect(which : Word; by : Extended); Procedure handle_off; Procedure handle_on; Procedure restore_masks; Procedure clear_copro; Function status_Word : Word; Var do_again : Word; Implementation Const valid = 0; zero = 1; spec = 2; empty = 3; topmask : Word = 14336; topdiv = 2048; anyerrors : Word = 63; zweipot : Array [0..15] of Word = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768); ex_nam : Array[0..5] of String= ('Invalid ', 'Denormal ', 'Zero-Div ', 'Overflow ', 'Underflow ', 'Precision '); Var setmasks : Byte; normal : Record Case Boolean OF True : (adr : Pointer); False: (pro : Procedure); end; Exit_on, dump_on, ask_on, auto_on, standard : Word; auto_val : Array [0..5] of Extended; Procedure Mask(which : Word); Var cw : Word; begin Asm fstcw cw end; cw := cw or which; setmasks := Lo(cw); Asm fldcw cw end; end; Procedure Unmask(which : Word); Var cw : Word; begin Asm fclex fstcw cw end; cw := cw and not (which); setmasks := Lo(cw); Asm fldcw cw end; end; Procedure restore_masks; Var setm : Word; i :Integer; begin setm:=setmasks; For i := 0 to 5 do if (setm and zweipot[i]) <> 0 then Mask (zweipot[i]) else Unmask(zweipot[i]); end; Procedure clear_copro; Var cw : Word; begin Asm fstcw cw end; setmasks := Lo(cw); Asm finit end; end; Function status_Word; begin Asm fstsw @result end; end; { Bei welcher Exception soll was passieren? } Procedure exception; begin Case what OF masked : Mask(which); runtime : begin Unmask(which); standard := standard or which; end; dump : begin Unmask(which); standard := standard and NOT(which); dump_on := dump_on or which; Exit_on := Exit_on and NOT(which); ask_on := ask_on and NOT(which); auto_on := auto_on and NOT(which); end; dumpexit : begin Unmask(which); standard := standard and NOT(which); dump_on := dump_on or which; Exit_on := Exit_on or which; ask_on := ask_on and NOT(which); auto_on := auto_on and NOT(which); end; dumpask : begin Unmask(which); standard := standard and NOT(which); dump_on := dump_on or which; Exit_on := Exit_on and NOT(which); ask_on := ask_on or which; auto_on := auto_on and NOT(which); end; end; end; { zum Setzen von Auto-Korrekt-Werten } Procedure autocorrect; Var i : Integer; begin Unmask(which); standard := standard and NOT(which); dump_on := dump_on and NOT(which); Exit_on := Exit_on and NOT(which); ask_on := ask_on and NOT(which); auto_on := auto_on or which; For i := 0 to 5 do if (which and zweipot[i]) <> 0 then auto_val[i] := by; end; { ------------- Die Interrupt-Routine selbst ------------- } Procedure errorcon; Interrupt; Var copro : Record control_Word, status_Word, tag_Word, op, instruction_Pointer, ip, operand_Pointer, : Word; st : Array [0..7] of Extended; end; top : Integer; { welches Register ist Stacktop? } masked, { welche Exceptions maskiert? } occured : Byte; { welche Exceptions aufgetreten? } opcode : Word; inst_seg, { Instruction-Pointer, Segment } inst_off, { " , Offset } oper_seg, { Operand-Pointer , Segment } oper_off: Word; { " , Offset } inst_point : ^Word; { zum Adressieren des Opcodes } oper_point : Record Case Integer of { zum Adressieren des Operanden } 1 : (ex : ^Extended); 2 : (db : ^Double); 3 : (si : ^Single); 4 : (co : ^Comp); end; marker: Array [0..7] of Word; { Register-Marker nach Tag-Word } opt_dump, { soll ausgeben werden? } opt_exit, { soll aufgehoert werden? } opt_ask, { soll Ergebnis abgefragt werden? } opt_auto : Boolean; { soll Ergebnis automatisch korrigiert werden? } i : Integer; mem_access: Boolean; { gibt es Speicherzugriff? } op_name : String; { Mnemonik des Befehls } { Ersetze Stacktop durch abgefragten Wert } Procedure ask_correct; Var res : Extended; ch : Char; t : String; code : Integer; begin Asm fstp res end; WriteLN; Write('The result would be ', res, '. Change? (y/n) ' ); Repeat Repeat Until KeyPressed; ch := ReadKey;; Until ch in ['Y','y','N','n']; Writeln; if ch in ['Y','y'] then Repeat Write('New value : '); READLN(t); VAL(t, res, code); Until code = 0; Asm fld res end; end; Function hex(w : Word) : String; { Ausgabe als HeX-Zahl } Const zif : Array [0..15] of Char = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9', 'a','b','c','d','e','f'); begin hex := zif[w div zweipot[12]] + zif[(w MOD zweipot[12]) div zweipot[8]] + zif[(w MOD zweipot[8]) div zweipot[4]] + zif[w MOD zweipot[4]]; end; Procedure choice; Var ch : Char; begin WriteLN; Write('C)ontinue, A)bort '); Repeat Repeat Until KeyPressed; ch:=ReadKey;; if ch in ['A','a'] then Halt(0); Until ch in ['C','c']; WriteLN; end; Procedure showcopro; { Ausgeben des FSAVE - Records } Var i : Integer; begin TextMode(LastMode); HighVideo; WriteLN('Floating point exception, last opcode: ',hex(opcode), ' (',op_name,')'); NormVideo; WriteLN('Instruction Pointer : ',hex(inst_seg),':',hex(inst_off), ' (',hex(inst_point^),')'); if mem_access then begin WriteLN('Operand Pointer : ',hex(oper_seg),':',hex(oper_off)); WriteLN('( Extended: ',oper_point.ex^,', Double: ',oper_point.db^); WriteLN(' Single : ',oper_point.si^,', Comp : ',oper_point.co^,' )'); end else begin WriteLN; WriteLN ('No memory access'); WriteLN; end; HighVideo; if (occured and stackfault) = 0 then begin WriteLN('Exception ','Masked':8,'Occured':8,'Should be masked':18); NormVideo; For i:=0 to 5 do WriteLN(ex_nam[i], (masked and zweipot[i]) <> 0 : 8, (occured and zweipot[i]) <> 0 : 8, (setmasks and zweipot[i]) <> 0 : 18); HighVideo; end else begin WriteLN('Invalid Operation:'); if (copro.status_Word and con1) <> 0 then WriteLN(' -- Stack Overflow --') else WriteLN(' -- Stack Underflow --'); WriteLN; end; WriteLN('Reg ','Value':29,'Marked':10); Normvideo; For i := 0 to 7 do begin Write('st(',i,')', copro.st[i] : 29); Case marker[i] OF valid : WriteLN('Valid' : 10); spec : WriteLN('Special' : 10); empty : WriteLN('Empty' : 10); zero : WriteLN('Zero' : 10); end; end; end; { Ersetze Stacktop durch Auto-Korrekt-Wert } Procedure auto_corr; Var res : Extended; i : Integer; begin Asm fstp res end; For i := 0 to 5 do if ((occured and zweipot[i]) <> 0) and ((auto_on and zweipot[i]) <> 0) then res := auto_val[i]; Asm fld res end; end; Procedure do_it_again; Type codearr = Array[0..4] of Byte; Var sam : Record Case Boolean OF True : (b: ^codearr ); False: (p: Procedure); end; op_point : Pointer; x : extended; begin New(sam.b); sam.b^[0]:=Hi(opcode); sam.b^[1]:=Lo(opcode); if mem_access then begin { --- mod r/m auf ds:[di] stellen (00ttt101) --- } sam.b^[1] := sam.b^[1] and not (zweipot[7] + zweipot[6] + zweipot[1]); sam.b^[1] := sam.b^[1] or (zweipot[2] + zweipot[0]); end; sam.b^[2] := $ca; { retf 0000 } sam.b^[3] := $00; sam.b^[4] := $00; op_point := oper_point.ex; Asm push ds lds di, op_point end; sam.p; Asm pop ds end; Dispose(sam.b); end; begin Asm push ax xor al,al out 0f0h,al mov al,020h out 0a0h,al out 020h,al pop ax fsave copro end; { === Pruefen, ob Bearbeitung durch ERRORCON erwuenscht === } if (copro.status_Word and standard) <> 0 then begin Asm frstor copro end; normal.pro; { Bye, bye ... } end; { === Auswerten des FSAVE-Records ========================= } { --- Opcode wie im Copro gespeichert --- } opcode := zweipot[15] + zweipot[14] + zweipot[12] + zweipot[11] + (copro.ip MOD zweipot[11]); op_name := dis(opcode); mem_access := op_name='...'; { --- Was war maskiert, was ist passiert? --- } masked := Lo(copro.control_Word); occured := Lo(copro.status_Word ); { --- Der Instruction-Pointer --- } inst_seg := copro.ip and (zweipot[15] + zweipot[14] + zweipot[13] + zweipot[12]); inst_off := copro.instruction_Pointer; inst_point := Ptr(inst_seg,inst_off); { --- Der Operand-Pointer --- } oper_seg := copro.op and (zweipot[15] + zweipot[14] + zweipot[13] + zweipot[12]); oper_off := copro.operand_Pointer; oper_point.ex := Ptr(oper_seg,oper_off); { --- Wer ist gerade Stacktop? --- } top := (copro.status_Word and topmask) div topdiv; { --- Einlesen der Marker aus Tag-Word --- } For i := 0 to 7 do begin marker[(8 + i - top) MOD 8] := (copro.tag_Word and (zweipot[i * 2] + zweipot[i * 2 + 1])) div zweipot[i * 2]; end; { --- Welche Aktionen sollen ausgefuehrt werden? --- } opt_dump := (copro.status_Word and dump_on) <> 0; opt_exit := (copro.status_Word and Exit_on) <> 0; opt_ask := (copro.status_Word and ask_on ) <> 0; opt_auto := (copro.status_Word and auto_on) <> 0; { === Aktionen ============================================ } if opt_dump then showcopro; if opt_exit then begin WriteLN; WriteLN('Exit Program due to Programmers request'); HALT; { Bye, bye ... } end; if opt_dump and not (opt_ask) then choice; copro.control_Word := copro.control_Word or anyerrors; Asm frstor copro fclex end; { --- Befehl nochmals ausfuehren --- } if (occured and do_again) <> 0 then do_it_again; { --- Noch was? --- } if opt_auto then auto_corr; if opt_ask then ask_correct; restore_masks; end; { ------------- Ein- und Ausschalten ------------- } Procedure handle_on; begin Getintvec($75, normal.adr); Setintvec($75, @errorcon); end; Procedure handle_off; begin Setintvec($75, normal.adr); end; begin handle_on; dump_on :=0; Exit_on :=0; ask_on :=0; auto_on :=0; standard:=0; do_again:=invalid+zero_div+denormal; clear_copro; end. Unit dis387; Interface Function dis(opco : Word) : String; Implementation Function dis; Var d, op : String; Procedure opcr(st : Word); Var t : String; begin str(st, t); op := ' st,st(' + t + ')'; end; Procedure opc(st : Word); Var t : String; begin str(st, t); op := ' st(' + t + '),st'; end; Procedure op1(st : Word); Var t : String; begin str(st, t); op := ' st(' + t + ')'; end; begin d := '...'; op := ''; Case Hi(opco) OF $d8 : Case Lo(opco) div 16 OF $c : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fmul'; opcr(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fadd'; opcr(opco MOD 16); end; $e : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fsubr'; opcr(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fsub'; opcr(opco MOD 16); end; $f : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fdivr'; opcr(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fdiv'; opcr(opco MOD 16); end; end; $d9 : Case Lo(opco) OF $d0 : d := 'fnop'; $e0 : d := 'fchs'; $e1 : d := 'fabs'; $e4 : d := 'ftst'; $e5 : d := 'fxam'; $e8 : d := 'fld1'; $e9 : d := 'fld2t'; $ea : d := 'fld2e'; $eb : d := 'fldpi'; $ec : d := 'fldlg2'; $ed : d := 'fldln2'; $ee : d := 'fldz'; $f0 : d := 'f2xm1'; $f1 : d := 'fyl2x'; $f2 : d := 'fptan'; $f3 : d := 'fpatan'; $f4 : d := 'fxtract'; $f5 : d := 'fprem1'; $f6 : d := 'fdecstp'; $f7 : d := 'fincstp'; $f8 : d := 'fprem'; $f9 : d := 'fyl2xp1'; $fa : d := 'fsqrt'; $fb : d := 'fsincos'; $fc : d := 'frndint'; $fd : d := 'fscale'; $fe : d := 'fsin'; $ff : d := 'fcos'; end; $db : Case Lo(opco) OF $e2 : d := 'fclex'; $e3 : d := 'finit'; end; $dc : Case Lo(opco) div 16 OF $c : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fmul'; opc(opco MOD 16-8); end else begin d := 'fadd'; opc(opco MOD 16); end; $e : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fsub'; opc(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fsubr'; opc(opco MOD 16); end; $f : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fdiv'; opc(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fdivr'; opc(opco MOD 16); end; end; $dd : Case Lo(opco) div 16 OF $c : begin d := 'ffree'; op1(opco MOD 16); end; $d : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fstp'; op1(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fst'; op1(opco MOD 16); end; $e : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fucomp'; op1(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fucom'; op1(opco MOD 16); end; end; $de : Case Lo(opco) div 16 OF $c : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fmulp'; opc(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'faddp'; opc(opco MOD 16); end; $d : d := 'fcompp'; $e : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fsubp'; opc(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fsubrp'; opc(opco MOD 16); end; $f : if opco MOD 16 >= 8 then begin d := 'fdivp'; opc(opco MOD 16 - 8); end else begin d := 'fdivrp'; opc(opco MOD 16); end; end; end; dis := d + op; end; begin end.