{ WILBERT VAN LEIJEN > I want to pass its address to an external .obj procedure so I can set > DS:SI to it... how do I do this? I know how to do this sort of think if I > use the tp60 built in asmm thingy, and I know that I can pass values using > arg like You cannot export data from an .OBJ file to a Pascal program. The linker cannot handle with public identifiers other than in a segment of class CODE, alas. Store the data in a File of Byte (DORK.BIN), convert it with BINOBJ to DORK.OBJ (suggested identifier: Procedure DorkData), link it to your program. } Procedure DorkData; External; {$L DORK.OBJ } Type TDork = Array[0..255] of Byte; PDork = ^TDork; Var Dork : PDork; i : Integer; Begin Dork := @DorkData; For i := Low(TDork) to High(TDork) Do Write(Dork^[i] : 4); end. { If you want to use assembler to access DorkData: } ASM CLD PUSH DS PUSH CS { Using "LDS SI, DorkData" will not work! } POP DS LEA SI, DorkData { DS:SI points to DorkData } MOV CX, Type(TDork) { = 256 } @1: LODSB { TDork(DorkData[256-CX]) is now in AL } { other code } LOOP @1 POP DS end;