{ I'm not sure if the following bug in Contains() of STDDLG.PAS has been fixed in 7.01 (since I still don't have it) so I decided to post it. STDDLG.PAS, function Contains() } { Contains returns true if S1 contains any characters in S2 } function Contains(S1, S2 : String): Boolean; near; assembler; asm PUSH DS CLD LDS SI, S1 LES DI, S2 MOV DX, DI > INC DX { DX still pointed at len byte } XOR AH, AH LODSB MOV BX, AX OR BX, BX JZ @@2 MOV AL, ES:[DI] XCHG AX, CX @@1: PUSH CX MOV DI, DX LODSB REPNE SCASB POP CX JE @@3 DEC BX JNZ @@1 @@2: XOR AL, AL JMP @@4 @@3: MOV AL, 1 @@4: POP DS end; { BUT: fixing the bug reveals another bug The function is used to determine whether a filename or path contains illegal characters or not. The last character in the constant "IllegalChars" is the backslash "\" that would have been ignored by the buggy version of Contains(). However, the corrected version returns TRUE for Contains('\MYPATH\', IllegalChars) (as it's supposed to). Since a path name created by FSplit normally contains a "\" the filename is considered as FALSE by ValidFileName. My solution is to add a second const named IllegalCharsFN for illegal chars in the filename (but legal chars in path names) currently just containing '\'. Furthermore, I removed space ' ' from the list of illegal characters (since it isn't an illegal char!) and added '/' instead. But have a look at my final correction suggestion: } function ValidFileName(var FileName : PathStr) : Boolean; const IllegalCharsFN = '\'; IllegalChars = ';,=+<>|"[]/'; var Dir : DirStr; Name : NameStr; Ext : ExtStr; { Contains returns true if S1 contains any characters in S2 } function Contains(S1, S2 : String) : Boolean; near; assembler; asm {...see above...} end; begin ValidFileName := True; FSplit(FileName, Dir, Name, Ext); if not ((Dir = '') or PathValid(Dir)) or Contains(Name, IllegalChars + IllegalCharsFN) or Contains(Dir, IllegalChars) then ValidFileName := False; end;