(* ³{$F+} ³PROCEDURE DoNothing; INTERRUPT; ³BEGIN ³END; ³{$F-} Would you believe that the code in your DoNothing procedure can be improved for smaller size and better speed? (No, I'm not kidding, please read on.) The standard preamble and postamble code generated by Turbo Pascal for a procedure of type Interrupt pushes a whole wad of registers, sets the BP and DS registers, and then undoes it all before the IRET. Your DoNothing procedure compiles to code that looks something like this: { preamble } PUSH AX BX CX DX SI DI DS ES BP MOV BP, SP MOV AX, @DATA MOV DS, AX { postamble } POP BP ES DS DI SI DX CX BX AX IRET The following procedure provides identical results and kills the overhead. *) {$f+} PROCEDURE DoNothing; ASSEMBLER; { Coded as Int Handler } asm IRET { return from interrupt } end; {$f-} (* With no parameters and no local vars Turbo Pascal generates no preamble code, and generates only a long return as postamble. The resulting compiled code from my DoNothing proc looks like this: IRET RET The difference: 26 bytes and many stack memory accesses for the null Interrupt procedure versus only 2 bytes in the null Assembler procedure with Iret. The RET never gets executed, of course. *)