{ JL> #2: Another thing, I've got this cool Lotto program where I would like to > a date file where the user can enter the weeks winning lotto numbers, then > after a collection of weeks is made (say 10), the computer will read all t > numbers in the file and compile a list of the most frequently ocurring num > and print them out to the screen. I'm having trouble reading from and writ > to the file. (I'll tackle the list compiling once that is straightened out > help? Oh Boy, Lotto programs, the concept is pregnant with possibilities! Ever wonder why someone with a lotto program would sell it and not just win all the lottos? :) Ok, you want a frequency analyzer. Here's a start that will let you enter numbers and give a frequency table of all the numbers to date (hey, this is kinda fun, maybe I'll go into the lottery seminar bidness. Look out, Becky Paul!): } {$i-} uses crt; const MAX = 49; type tFreqArray= array[0..MAX] of word; var freqArray : tFreqArray; {----------------------} procedure InitFreqArray; { Read data file into array. If not found, zero all accumulators. } var FreqF : file of tFreqArray; begin assign(FreqF,'lotto.dat'); reset(FreqF); if (ioresult=0) then begin read(Freqf,freqArray); close(freqF); end else fillchar(FreqArray,sizeof(FreqArray),0); end; {----------------------} procedure SaveFreqArray; var FreqF : file of tFreqArray; begin assign(FreqF,'lotto.dat'); rewrite(FreqF); write(Freqf,freqArray); close(freqF); end; {----------------------} procedure PrintFrequencyTable; type tPickRec=record Number : byte; Freq : word; end; tPickArray=array[0..MAX] of tPickRec; var PickArray : tPickArray; {-----------} procedure SortPickArray; {-----------} procedure Swap(One,TheOther : byte); var tmp : tPickRec; begin tmp:= PickArray[One]; PickArray[One]:= PickArray[TheOther]; PickArray[TheOther]:= tmp; end; {----------} var i,j,min : byte; begin for i:= 0 to pred(MAX) do begin min:= i; for j:= succ(i) to MAX do if (PickArray[j].freq > PickArray[min].freq) then min:= j; if (min>i) then Swap(i,min); end; end; {SortPickArray} {--------} var i : byte; begin for i:= 0 to MAX do with PickArray[i] do begin Number:= i; Freq:= FreqArray[i]; end; SortPickArray; clrscr; writeln; writeln('Frequency Table:'); for i:= 0 to 9 do writeln(PickArray[i].Number :7,': ',PickArray[i].Freq :5,' ', PickArray[i+10].Number:7,': ',PickArray[i+10].Freq:5,' ', PickArray[i+20].Number:7,': ',PickArray[i+20].Freq:5,' ', PickArray[i+30].Number:7,': ',PickArray[i+30].Freq:5,' ', PickArray[i+40].Number:7,': ',PickArray[i+40].Freq:5,' '); end; {PrintFrequencyTable} {----------------------} procedure GetLottoNumbers; var OneNumber : byte; Test : integer; s : string; begin PrintFrequencyTable; repeat writeln; write('Enter lotto number (<=',MAX,', Enter to quit): '); readln(s); if (s<>'') then begin val(s,OneNumber,test); if (test=0) then begin inc(FreqArray[OneNumber]); PrintFrequencyTable; end; end; until (s=''); end; {GetLottoNumbers} begin InitFreqArray; GetLottoNumbers; SaveFreqArray; end.