(* > I have now added the {$IFOPT G+} to most of my current sources, but I > would like default detection code in my libraries (often used TPUs) > Even if my TPUs are compiled in G- (which they always are, because > I update them with TPC from a batch file), but if my 'main' source > files are accidentally G+ I would like that detected by my library > code. *) {$X+}{<<< Need this and strings unit } {=========================================================================== Copyrighted by Alfons Hoogervorst 1994 AD. Well. Ok. It's dumped in the public domain. ==========================================================================} program Test8086; uses WinCrt, Strings; const { My firstname expressed in bytes, I guess. Use same bytes if possible to overcome the byte ordering on PC's } SEARCHID = $A2A2A2A2; SEARCHBYTE = Byte(SEARCHID); { LoByte } PUSHINT = 2; procedure CallInOne(int: Integer); begin { So I return } end; procedure CheckThisOut; begin asm jmp @Continue dd SEARCHID { Bytes we're looking for } @continue: end; { if G+: push 0x02 else mov ax,02; push ax } CallInOne(PUSHINT) end; type TGOption = (Error, Goff, Gon); function IsOptionGOn: TGOption; type PDword = ^Longint; var Opcodes: PChar; i: Integer; { Say 50 bytes } begin IsOptionGOn := Error; OpCodes := PChar(@CheckThisOut); { Find our ID } for i := 0 to 49 do { search some 50 bytes, must be enough } begin if PDword(OpCodes)^ = SEARCHID then begin { Found our bytes } OpCodes := OpCodes + sizeof(Longint); { Next instruction } { Check if it's PUSH PUSHINT instruction } if (OpCodes^ = #$6A) and ((OpCodes+1)^ = Char(PUSHINT)) then IsOptionGOn := Gon else IsOptionGOn := Goff; exit end; OpCodes := OpCodes + 1 { Try next } end; end; begin WriteLn('I Call You Call Me? Ok!'); case IsOptionGOn of Error: begin WriteLn('Error... Borland Pascal code generation changed dramatically'); WriteLn('The world is collapsing, all programs have become incompatible'); WriteLn('The Horror of It! Get me some assembler and I''ll fix it!') end; Gon: begin WriteLn('''t Was On'); end; Goff: begin WriteLn('''t Was Off'); end; end; end. (* What am I doing here? Just looking for a push instruction. If {$G} on constants are pushed with an immediate push instruction. Sounds dificult? Well, just forget it, implement these functions in a unit and you have your long-awaited test function. I have some notes on my own code. If you're using my check-80X86 function NEVER do the following things: *) if (OptionGOn = Goff) then begin WriteLn('This code is compiled with $G+'); Halt(2) {<<<<< PROBLEMS!!! } end; (* Why? If $G has been enabled you'll get: push 2 call far HALT And (as you noted) an 808X does not accept this. Instead use this: *) if (OptionGOn = GOn) then begin WriteLn('Option $G enabled message'); Halt(Integer(OptionGOn)) { Or pass a variable } end; (* In plain words: after checking the G-state with my function, don't call a function with constant parameters. Always pass variables/function-results as parameters. This is not "portable": *) const ERROR_GERROR = 2; ANOTHER_CONST = 3; if { my test } then begin IWantToExitRightNow(ERROR_GERROR, ANOTHER_CONST, 4, 6, 7); end; { Instead try this: } if { my test } then begin IWantToExitRightNow(VarIndicatingError, VarForAnotherConst, FunctionCall4, FunctionCall6, VarContaining7) end; { This is _only_ necessary in the "code" block immediately following my function, not in your other code. By the way: I have written a unit for detecting this $G-state. It's partly written in asm. This unit does not require the "use" of other units. }