{ Sometimes you have trouble to know if the computer really does something or if it has gone into an endless loop. This is a problem that I have got when I constructed some programs which done some heavy numerical computations. (Some of them take about 15 minutes to run on a 66 MHz 486-DX2.) So, to solve my problems I created an object which implement a spinning indicator that gives information on the screen that something is really going on. I haven't put in much comments but I think it will be easy to follow the code anyway. After the code of the SpinU unit is a simple demo program. Enjoy! By Mats Dahlin, 1994-10-13 If you have any suggestions/questions, please a message to CompuServe: 70622,157 Internet : 70622.157@compuserve.comsend E-mail to } unit SpinU; {********************************************************************} interface {********************************************************************} type TSpin = object x, y : Byte; ColorAttr: Byte; Index : Byte; SpinDelay: Byte; Clockwise: Boolean; Counter : Byte; procedure Init(InitX, InitY : Byte; { Coordinate of the "spinner" } InitColorAttr: Byte; { Color attribute of "spinner" } InitIndex : Byte; { Initial spin character } InitSpinDelay: Byte;{ Delay before next turn of "spinner" } InitClockwise: Boolean); { Spin clockwise or... ? } procedure Display; procedure Update; procedure Clear; end; {********************************************************************} implementation {********************************************************************} uses Crt; procedure TSpin.Init(InitX, InitY : Byte; InitColorAttr: Byte; InitIndex : Byte; InitSpinDelay: Byte; InitClockwise: Boolean); begin x := InitX; y := InitY; ColorAttr := InitColorAttr; Index := InitIndex; SpinDelay := InitSpinDelay; Counter := 0; Clockwise := InitClockwise; Display; end; {************************************************} procedure TSpin.Display; const CSpinCh: array [1..4] of Char = ('/', '-', '\', '|'); var OldAttr: Byte; begin OldAttr := TextAttr; TextColor(ColorAttr); Gotoxy(x, y); Write(CSpinCh[Index]); TextAttr := OldAttr; end; {************************************************} procedure TSpin.Update; begin Display; Inc(Counter); if (Counter>=SpinDelay) then case Clockwise of True : begin Inc(Index); if (Index=5) then Index := 1; Counter := 0; end; False: begin Dec(Index); if (Index=0) then Index := 4; Counter := 0; end; end; end; {************************************************} procedure TSpin.Clear; begin Gotoxy(x, y); Write(#32); end; {********************************************************************} end. { And here comes the demo program... } program SpinTest; uses Dos, Crt, SpinU; const NoOfSpinners = 15; NoOfRows = 4; var Spin: array [1..NoOfSpinners, 1..NoOfRows] of TSpin; i, j: Integer; {************************************************} procedure CursorOff; var Regs: Registers; begin FillChar(Regs, SizeOf(Regs), 0); Regs.AH := $01; Regs.CX := $2000; Intr($10, Regs); end; {************************************************} procedure CursorOn; var Regs: Registers; begin FillChar(Regs, SizeOf(Regs), 0); Regs.AH := $0F; Intr($10, Regs); if ((Regs.AL and $07)=$07) then Regs.CX := $0C0D else Regs.CX := $0607; Regs.AH := $01; Intr($10, Regs); end; {************************************************} begin CursorOff; Gotoxy(1, 12); Writeln('SPINTEST - By Mats Dahlin, 1994-10-13'); Writeln('(A demo program of the SpinU unit)'); for i := 1 to NoOfSpinners do { Setup the spinners } for j := 1 to NoOfRows do Spin[i, j].Init(5*i, 2*j, i, j, 15*j, Odd(j)); repeat { Let them spin... } for i := 1 to NoOfSpinners do for j := 1 to NoOfRows do Spin[i, j].Update; until KeyPressed; for i := 1 to NoOfSpinners do { These loops aren't really necessary in } for j := 1 to NoOfRows do { this little demo program... } Spin[i, j].Clear; ClrScr; CursorOn; end.