{ In the meantime the readers might want to play around with the following code, that I think I originally picked up in this invaluable conference some years ago (or it may have been the SWAG -- don't remember really). I've altered the original code so it can be compiled without any other special units but my cursorUnit, that comes next. } program MazeSolver; uses Crt, cursorUnit; {$R-,S-,M 16384, 16384, 16384 Program draws and solves a 23x78 maze. The algorithm used by Maze is adapted from one given in Chapter 4 of "The Elements of Programming Style" by B. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger (McGraw-Hill, 1978) This version for the IBM PC: Wilbert van Leijen Written: 16 Sept. 1987 Revised: 19 March 1989 Revised: Jan 15th 1995 by Bj”rn Felten @ 2:203/208 } const Title : string[6] = ' Maze '; Usage : string[38] = ' F1ÄFull speed F2ÄDelay move EscÄQuit '; MazeX = 77; MazeY = 22; type MazeSquare = (Wall, Path); MazeArray = array[0..MazeX, 0..MazeY] of MazeSquare; Direction = (GoUp, GoDown, GoLeft, GoRight); ScrBuffer = array [0..1999] of word; (* Screen Buffer *) var FullSpeed : boolean; ImageBuffer : pointer; Maze : MazeArray; X, Y : integer; Screen : array [0..7] of ScrBuffer absolute $B800: 0000; procedure WriteXY (Page, Attrib, X, Y: word; N: String); function x80p(Y, X: word): word; assembler; asm MOV AX,Y MOV BX,AX MOV CL,4 SHL BX,CL MOV CL,6 SHL AX,CL ADD AX,BX ADD AX,X end; var I: byte; begin if N[0] <> #0 then for I := 1 to length(N) do Screen[Page][X80p(Y,X+pred(I))]:=(Attrib shl 8) + ord(N[I]); end; { Set up a frame around the activities } procedure Frame; begin WriteXY(0, $1F, 37, 0, Title); WriteXY(0, $17, 41, 24, Usage); WriteXY(0, $31, 42, 24, 'F1'); WriteXY(0, $31, 56, 24, 'F2'); WriteXY(0, $31, 70, 24, 'Esc') end; procedure ShowMaze(X, Y: integer; Show: char); begin WriteXY(0, $1B, X+2, Y+1, Show) end; { ShowMaze } { Set up maze } procedure CreateMaze; var X, Y : integer; MazeAction : Direction; { Set a given maze element to be Path or Wall } procedure SetSquare(X, Y: integer; Val: MazeSquare); begin Maze[X, Y] := Val; case Val of Path : ShowMaze(X, Y, ' '); Wall : WriteXY(0, $0F, X+2, Y+1, 'Û') end end; { SetSquare } { Return a random value of direction } function RandomDirection : Direction; begin case Random(4) of 0 : RandomDirection := GoUp; 1 : RandomDirection := GoDown; 2 : RandomDirection := GoLeft; 3 : RandomDirection := GoRight; end; end; { RandomDirection } { Return a random element in the maze } function RandomDig(max : integer) : integer; begin RandomDig := 2 * Random(max shr 1-1)+1 end; { RandomDig } { Check wether a legal path can be built } Function LegalPath(x, y : integer; MazeAction : Direction) : Boolean; begin LegalPath := False; case MazeAction of GoUp : if y > 2 then LegalPath := (Maze[x, y-2] = Wall); GoDown : if y < MazeY-2 then LegalPath := (Maze[x, y+2] = Wall); GoLeft : if x > 2 then LegalPath := (Maze[x-2, y] = Wall); GoRight : if x < MazeX-2 then LegalPath := (Maze[x+2, y] = Wall); end; end; { LegalPath } { Extend path in given direction } Procedure Buildpath(X, Y : integer; MazeAction : Direction); var Unused : set of Direction; begin case MazeAction of GoUp : begin SetSquare(X, Y-1, Path); SetSquare(X, Y-2, Path); dec(Y, 2) end; GoDown : begin SetSquare(X, Y+1, Path); SetSquare(X, Y+2, Path); inc(Y, 2) end; GoLeft : begin SetSquare(X-1, Y, Path); SetSquare(X-2, Y, Path); dec(X, 2) end; GoRight : begin SetSquare(X+1, Y, Path); SetSquare(X+2, Y, Path); inc(X, 2) end end; Unused := [GoUp..GoRight]; repeat { Check direction for legality } MazeAction := RandomDirection; if MazeAction in Unused then { If so, extend in that direction } begin Unused := Unused-[MazeAction]; if LegalPath(x, y, MazeAction) then BuildPath(x, y, MazeAction) end until Unused = [] { All legal moves are exhausted } end; { BuildPath } { CreateMaze initially draws a maze that is 'solid rock'. Then the maze will be 'excavated' by setting the elements of the maze to path. It keeps digging until all legal paths are exhausted and, finally, it digs an 'entrance' and 'exit' path on the boundaries of the maze } begin for y := 0 to MazeY do { Setup 'solid rock' } for x := 0 to MazeX do SetSquare(x, y, Wall); y := RandomDig(MazeY); { Starting point } x := RandomDig(MazeX); SetSquare(x, y, Path); repeat { Dig path in maze } MazeAction := RandomDirection until LegalPath(x, y, MazeAction); BuildPath(x, y, MazeAction); x := RandomDig(MazeX); SetSquare(x, 0, Path); { Dig entrance } ShowMaze(x, 0, #25); x := RandomDig(MazeX); SetSquare(x, MazeY, Path) { Dig exit } end; { CreateMaze } { Solve the maze } procedure SolveMaze; var Solved : boolean; x, y : integer; Tried : array[0..MazeX, 0..MazeY] of boolean; { Attempt Maze solution from point in given direction } function Try(x, y : integer; MazeAction : Direction) : boolean; var Ok : boolean; { Draw attempted move on screen } procedure MoveMaze(MazeAction : Direction); begin if not FullSpeed then Delay(80); case MazeAction of GoUp : ShowMaze(x, y, #24); GoDown : ShowMaze(x, y, #25); GoLeft : ShowMaze(x, y, #27); GoRight : ShowMaze(x, y, #26); end end; { MoveMaze } { Check whether there is a path to the boundary from a given point in a given direction. It returns True if there exists a path; otherwise, the Try is False } begin Ok := (Maze[x, y] = Path); { If Wall, no solution exist } if Ok then begin Tried[x, y] := True; { Set Tried flag } case MazeAction of GoUp : Dec(y); GoDown : Inc(y); GoLeft : Dec(x); GoRight : Inc(x); end; Ok := (Maze[x, y] = Path) and not Tried[x, y]; if Ok then begin { Consider neighbouring square } MoveMaze(MazeAction); Ok := (y <= 0) or (y >= MazeY) or (x <= 0) or (x >= MazeX); if not Ok then Ok := Try(x, y, GoLeft); if not Ok then Ok := Try(x, y, GoDown); if not Ok then Ok := Try(x, y, GoRight); if not Ok then Ok := Try(x, y, GoUp); if not Ok then ShowMaze(x, y, ' '); end; end; Try := Ok; end; { Try } { SolveMaze looks for a continuous sequence of Path squares from one point on the boundary of the maze to another } begin FillChar(Tried, SizeOf(Tried), False); Solved := False; x := 0; y := 1; while not Solved and (y < MazeY) do begin Solved := Try(x, y, GoRight); inc(y) end; x := MazeX; y := 1; while not Solved and (y < MazeY) do begin Solved := Try(x, y, GoLeft); inc(y) end; x := 1; y := 0; while not Solved and (x < MazeX) do begin Solved := Try(x, y, GoDown); Inc(x) end; x := 1; y := MazeY; while not Solved and (x < MazeX) do begin Solved := Try(x, y, GoUp); Inc(x) end; Solved := True; repeat until KeyPressed end; { SolveMaze } procedure Mainline; const F1 = #59; F2 = #60; var Ch : char; begin repeat Ch := ReadKey; if Ch = #0 then Ch := ReadKey; case Ch of F1 : begin CreateMaze; FullSpeed := True; SolveMaze end; F2 : begin CreateMaze; FullSpeed := False; SolveMaze end; end until Ch = #27 end; { Mainline } begin ClrScr; Frame; cursorOff; Randomize; Mainline; cursorOn end. { MazeSolver } { From: Lou Duchez Read: Yes Replied: No Very nice! My algorithm grows walls, but your algorithm digs corridors. Your algorithm also seems to generate more complicated mazes than mine. My only concern is that it relies so heavily on recursion; you risk running out of stack space. Of course, with my algorithm, you allocate lots of arrays that take up data segment ... Thanks for posting it! As I comprehend it, the maze-generating algorithm is like this: - Draw a field composed entirely of walls. - Select a random spot in the field to be your very first corridor spot. - Here is the maze-digging routine: - (This routine takes two value parameters: the X and Y coordinates of your current location.) - If you can randomly select a valid location two units away from those X / Y coordinates (where "valid locations" are those that currently are walls and not corridors): - "Dig a corridor" from the X / Y location to that randomly- selected location. - Recursively call this routine; as parameters, pass the X and Y coordinates of that randomly-selected location. (On the first pass, use that randomly-selected first corridor spot as the X and Y coordinates.) - When the recursion ends, the maze is done. }