{ From: ka9dgx@interaccess.com (Mike Warot) Here is the code I wrote to do cooperative multitasking in TP4, and have since used in TP5, TP6, TP7. This version works with TP7, I make no guarantees for earlier versions. } Unit Tasker; { Non-Preemptive MultiTasking Unit for Turbo Pascal Version 4 Author : Michael Warot - Blue Star Systems Date : November 1987 Purpose : Simple multi-tasking for turbo pascal 4.0 Version : 1.10 V1.10 August 1988 MAW - After much modification, added LastP to point to the highest numbered active process. With MaxProc set to 30 and 2 tasks, took effective yield time down from 240 uS to 38 uS V1.04 March 1988 MAW - Modify record used to save process, now use a pointer instead of 2 words to save the stack frame. Eliminate redundant variable NextP V1.03 March, 1988 MAW - Modify code to save video state for a given process. A flag Video_Save toggles this. V1.02 March, 1988 MAW - Modify code to support Sleep Function Added procedures LOCK and UNLOCK to permit use of non-reentrant procedures in programs V1.01 January, 1988 MAW - Remove obsolete startup function Init_Tasking. Put in some documentation. Clean up code. V1.00 November, 1987 MAW - Initial version, simple and crude, but it works. } {$F+ Force FAR calls - must be on} Interface Uses Crt,Timer2; { For saving screen status, etc } Type FlagPtr = ^Boolean; { Pointer to a flag } Var Save_Video : Boolean; { True for cursor saving } Function Fork:Boolean; { Call this procedure to spawn a new process. The procedure will return to your program twice. The first time it will be the root process, and will return a value of false, the second time it will return a value of true } Procedure Raw_Yield; Procedure Yield; { Call this procedure often in your code. This is the heart of the Multi-Tasking, it will return after all of the other processes have a crack at it. } Procedure Sleep(Flag : FlagPtr); { Call this procedure with an address of a flag which when TRUE, will re-awaken the process. Upon entry this procedure will test the value of this flag, and if FALSE, will mark the process HIBER. This procedure makes a call to YIELD in all cases. Note : Don't let all of you processes Sleep, or you could put things into a deadlock. } Procedure Lock(Resource : Byte); { This procedure allows the programmer to insure that a procedure is not entered twice, it does this by having the second call yield until the resource is free, using Sleep } Procedure UnLock(Resource : Byte); { This procedure unlocks a resource, allowing it to be used by other processes } Procedure KillProc; { This procedure is intended to be called by a process that has done all of it's work. It marks the process as one that is 'DEAD' and thus never re-awakens } Function Child_Process:Boolean; { This function returns True if the calling procedure is a child process. This test should be used to branch into a specific procedure for a given task. } Procedure SetPriority(P : Integer); Function ProcessCount:Integer; Procedure Wait(TicksToWait : Longint); { This procedure causes a task to wait by calling yield until DT(timer2 unit) deterimes that TicksToWait timer ticks have elapsed } Implementation { Hide this from the users.... These procedures work on the following basis: 1> For each process, there is an amount of memory reserved for a machine stack, this is called a Stack Frame. This holds the current state of a given process. 2> The process table (Procs) contains pointers to all of the Stack Frames. When a task is to be swapped out, it's state is saved in it's own stack, then the frame pointer is placed in (Procs) until the process is to be swapped back in. 3> Every one in a while, when a task has some time to share, it makes a call to Yield, which does all of the swapping. } Const MaxProc = 100; { Maximum number of processes Adjust for your purposes.. } Type ProcState = (Dead, Kill, Live, Slow, { Running, but in background } Pause, { Waiting for above } Hiber); { What is the process doing? } Task_Rec = Record Frame : Pointer; { Frame save area} ID : Word; { Process Number } FrameBlk : Pointer; { Frame block } FrameSiz : Word; { Amount of memory user } State : ProcState; { Is it a live process ? } HiberPtr : FlagPtr; { Pointer to "WAKE" flag } Priority : LongInt; { priority (0=Real Time) } NextTime : Longint; { Next wake up call @ } End; { Record } Var MaxStack : Word; SFrame : Pointer; Procs : Array[0..MaxProc] of Task_Rec; { Keeps the process pointers } NextP, { Last live process number } ThisP, { Current process } LastP : Word; { Last Process number } LiveCount : Word; { How many thing happening? } Locks : Array[0..255] of Boolean; { Resource locks } Function Ticks:Longint; Begin Inline($FA); { CLI - Interupts off } Ticks := MemL[$0040:$006c]; Inline($FB); { STI - back on again } End; { Ticks } { Here are the inline macros to handle the frame pointers for a task swap } Procedure SaveFrame; Inline( $89/$2E/SFrame { MOV [0000],BP } /$8C/$16/SFrame+2 { MOV [0002],SS } ); Procedure LoadFrame; Inline( $8B/$2E/SFrame { MOV BP,[0000] } /$8E/$16/SFrame+2 { MOV SS,[0002] } ); Function Fork:Boolean; { Create a new process } Var Tmp : Boolean; Begin SaveFrame; { Save current frame pointer } Tmp := True; { Assume child process } NextP := 0; { Search the process table for an } While (NextP <= MaxProc) AND { open entry for the new process } (Procs[NextP].State <> Dead) do Inc(NextP); If (NextP <= MaxProc) then { If table not full, then } begin If NextP > LastP then { If We past it, bump it } LastP := NextP; With Procs[NextP] do begin FrameSiz := MaxStack; { Set up size of area } GetMem(FrameBlk,FrameSiz); State := Live; { Note we're ready to go.... } ID := NextP; { Set up the new task } Frame := Ptr(Seg(FrameBlk^),Ofs(SFrame^) ); { Setup stack } Priority := 0; Move(Mem[Seg(SFrame^) : Ofs(SFrame^)-2], Mem[Seg(FrameBlk^) : Ofs(SFrame^)-2], (MaxStack+2)-Ofs(SFrame^) ); end; Inc(LiveCount); { Bump process counter } Tmp := False; end; { we can fork } LoadFrame; Fork := Tmp; End; { Raw_Fork } Procedure Raw_Yield; { Let the other task's go at it } Begin SaveFrame; { Save our current stack frame } Procs[ThisP].Frame := SFrame; { in our entry in Procs } If Procs[ThisP].State = Slow then With Procs[ThisP] do begin State := Pause; NextTime := Ticks+Priority; If NextTime > $001800ae then NextTime := NextTime - $001800ae; End; { with } If LiveCount >= 1 then { If we actually have a task to } begin { swap to, then.... } repeat { keep looking until we hit a } If ThisP < LastP then { live one } Inc(ThisP) else ThisP := 0; With Procs[ThisP] do Case State of Dead, Live : ; Hiber : If HiberPtr^ then { Check to see if we should } State := Live; { wake a sleeping process } Pause : If (Priority = 0) OR (Ticks > NextTime) then begin State := Slow; { handle slow task } end; Kill : If ThisP <> 0 then { Kill Off a process } Begin FreeMem(FrameBlk,FrameSiz); State := Dead; end; End; { Case State } until (Procs[ThisP].State = Live) or (Procs[ThisP].State = Slow); end; SFrame := Procs[ThisP].Frame; { Load new stack frame } LoadFrame; End; { Raw_Yield } Procedure Yield; Var ox,oy : byte; wmax, wmin : word; attr : byte; Begin If Not Save_Video then { Implemented this way in case the value changes } Raw_Yield else begin attr := TextAttr; { Save current colors } ox := WhereX; oy := WhereY; { save cursor position } wmin := WindMin; wmax := WindMax; { save window size } Raw_Yield; { actual Yield Call } WindMin := wmin; WindMax := wmax; { restore window size } GotoXY(ox,oy); { restore cursor } TextAttr := attr; { restore colors } end; End; { Yield_Plus } Procedure Sleep(Flag : FlagPtr); { Put a process to sleep } Begin If NOT Flag^ Then Begin Procs[ThisP].HiberPtr := Flag; { Set wake up pointer } Procs[ThisP].State := Hiber; { Mark this process as hibernating } End; Yield; { Do a yield, either way, to keep things going smoothly } End; { Sleep } Procedure Lock(Resource : Byte); { Lock a resource ID } Begin If NOT Locks[Resource] Then { If not open, then wait until } Sleep(@Locks[Resource]); { the resource becomes available } { Resource MUST be available now! } Locks[Resource] := FALSE; { Make it unavailable for use } End; { Lock } Procedure UnLock(Resource : Byte); { Unlock that resource } Begin Locks[Resource] := True; { Make the resource available } End; { UnLock } Procedure KillProc; { Stop a process in it's tracks } Begin If LiveCount > 1 then { if we are actually swapping then } begin Procs[ThisP].State := Kill; { mark us as dead } Dec(LiveCount); { Bump process count } Raw_Yield; { and yield. (Never returns) } {$IFDEF DEBUG} WriteLn('IN TASKER.PAS - FATAL ERROR, PROCESS EXCEPTION'); {$ENDIF} end else { if not swapping, then } Halt(0); { exit to dos..... } End; { KillProc } Function Child_Process; { Returns true if not root process } Begin Child_Process := ThisP <> 0; End; Procedure SetPriority; { Set number of clicks between runs } Begin With Procs[ThisP] do begin Priority := P; If P = 0 then State := Live else State := Slow; end; End; Function ProcessCount; Begin ProcessCount := LiveCount; End; Procedure Wait(TicksToWait : Longint); var t : longint; begin If TicksToWait <= 0 then EXIT; StartTime(T); While DT(T) < TicksToWait do Yield; end; { Initialization code, called automatically by the user program, like it or not! } Procedure InitTasking; Var i : byte; Begin NextP := 0; { We are in the root process } ThisP := 0; LastP := 1; { Last Active process } FillChar(Procs,SizeOf(Procs),#0); Procs[0].State := Live; LiveCount := 1; { And one task is running (this one) } For i := 0 to 255 do Locks[i] := True; { All resources available } Save_Video := True; End; Begin MaxStack := Sptr+4; InitTasking; End.