program citytour; {modified anneal.pas in from the book Numerical Recipes} {95-06-23 by Pierre Tourigny,} {solves the traveling salesman's problem by simulated annealing} uses graph; const title = 'Tour of 48 US Capitals'; maxcity = 99; {maximum city index} maxstep = 100; {maximum number of temperature steps} tfactor = 0.9; {temperature step is 90% of previous step} radius = 3956.67; {average radius of the earth in miles} bgidir = 'c:\bp\bgi'; {directory of bgi drivers; change at need} type city = record name: string[80]; lat,long: real; gx,gy: integer end; tdistances = array[0..maxcity,0..maxcity] of real; var cities: array[0..maxcity] of city; tour: array[0..maxcity] of integer; path,delta,temperature,lowerbound: real; count,success,maxpath,maxsuccess,offcut,offlast,offsplice, first,last,cutafter,cutbefore,spliceafter,splicebefore, mx,my,grdriver,grmode: integer; distance: ^tdistances; procedure usage; begin writeln; writeln('Usage: citytour '); writeln; writeln('Example: citytour us_cptl.dat us_cptl.sol'); writeln; writeln('Data File Format:'); writeln(' at most 100 cities, one city per line;'); writeln(' line format: ,,'+ ','); writeln(' latitude and longitude: degrees, minutes and hemisphere'); writeln(' Example: Salt Lake City,40 45 n,111 58 w,Utah,US'); halt; end; function dmc2r(degree,minute: real; hemi: string): real; {degrees, minutes, hemisphere to radians} begin if hemi[1] in ['s','S','w','W'] then dmc2r := -(degree + minute/60.0)*pi/180.0 else dmc2r := (degree + minute/60.0)*pi/180.0; end; function gcd(i1,i2: integer): real; {approximate great-circle distance in miles} var dlat,dlong: real; begin with cities[i1] do begin dlat := abs(lat-cities[i2].lat); if dlat > pi then dlat := 2*pi-dlat; dlong := abs(long-cities[i2].long); if dlong > pi then dlong := 2*pi-dlong; gcd := radius*sqrt(sqr(dlat)+ abs(sqr(dlong)*cos(lat)*cos(cities[i2].lat))); end; end; function split(var s : string; d : string) : string; var i,minpos,dpos : byte; maxs : byte absolute s; maxd : byte absolute d; begin minpos := succ(maxs); for i := 1 to maxd do begin dpos := pos(d[i],s); if (dpos > 0) and (dpos < minpos) then minpos := dpos; end; split := copy(s,1,pred(minpos)); s := copy(s,minpos+1,255); end; function fval(s: string): integer; var i,code: integer; begin val(s,i,code); fval := i end; procedure findlow; {find lower bound for optimal solution} {note: the lower bound is not the optimal length; it only means that the best tour cannot be shorter} var i,j: integer; mind1,mind2: real; begin lowerbound := 0.0; for i := 0 to count-1 do begin mind1 := 1.0e38; mind2 := mind1; for j := 0 to count-1 do begin if i = j then continue; if distance^[i,j] < mind1 then begin mind2 := mind1; mind1 := distance^[i,j]; end else if distance^[i,j] < mind2 then mind2 := distance^[i,j]; end; lowerbound := lowerbound+mind1+mind2; end; lowerbound := lowerbound/2; end; procedure drawtour; var i,j: integer; s,sn: string; begin cleardevice; outtext(title); setcolor(white); with cities[0] do moveto(gx,gy); j := 0; for i := 0 to count-1 do begin j := tour[j]; with cities[j] do lineto(gx,gy); end; setcolor(red); setfillstyle(solidfill,red); j := 0; for i := 0 to count-1 do begin with cities[j] do fillellipse(gx,gy,2,2); j := tour[j]; end; setcolor(white); str(path:8:0,sn); s := 'Path Length:'+sn; str(temperature:8:0,sn); s := s+' Temperature:'+sn; str(success:6,sn); s := s+' Successful Moves:'+sn; outtextxy(10,my-15,s); end; procedure init; var i,j: integer; data: text; s: string; gxscale,gxmax,gyscale,gymax: real; begin if paramcount <> 2 then usage; randomize; fillchar(cities,sizeof(cities),0); fillchar(tour,sizeof(tour),0); assign(data,paramstr(1)); {$I-} reset(data); {$I+} if ioresult <> 0 then begin writeln('Data file not found'); halt; end; grdriver := detect; initgraph(grdriver,grmode,bgidir); mx := getmaxx; my := getmaxy; gyscale := my*180.0/(25.0*pi); {map is 25 degrees tall} gxscale := mx*180.0/(60.0*pi); {map is 60 degrees wide} gymax := 50.0*pi/180.0; gxmax := 125.0*pi/180.0; {graph point 0,0} count := 0; while not eof(data) do begin readln(data,s); with cities[count] do begin name := split(s,','); lat := dmc2r(fval(split(s,' ')),fval(split(s,' ')),split(s,',')); long := dmc2r(fval(split(s,' ')),fval(split(s,' ')),split(s,',')); gx := trunc((gxmax+long)*gxscale); gy := trunc((gymax-lat)*gyscale); end; inc(count); end; close(data); if (count = 0) or (count > 100) then usage; for i := 0 to count-1 do tour[i] := (i+1) mod count; {following city} maxpath := 100*count; maxsuccess := 10*count; path := 0.0; temperature := 1500.0 {miles}; new(distance); fillchar(distance^,sizeof(distance^),0); for i := 0 to count-2 do for j := i+1 to count-1 do begin distance^[i,j] := gcd(i,j); distance^[j,i] := distance^[i,j]; end; findlow; for i := 0 to (count-1) do path := path+distance^[i,(i+1) mod count]; drawtour; end; procedure findedges; begin offcut := random(count); {offset from 0} offlast := random(count-2); {offset from first} offsplice := random(count-offlast-2); {offset from cutbefore} cutafter := 0; while offcut > 0 do begin cutafter := tour[cutafter]; dec(offcut); end; first := tour[cutafter]; {first city of segment} last := first; {last city of segment} while offlast > 0 do begin last := tour[last]; dec(offlast); end; cutbefore := tour[last]; end; procedure revcost; {difference in path length if segment reversed} begin delta := -distance^[cutafter,first]-distance^[last,cutbefore] +distance^[cutafter,last]+distance^[first,cutbefore]; end; procedure reverse; var i,next,after: integer; begin tour[cutafter] := last; i := first; after := cutbefore; repeat next := tour[i]; tour[i] := after; after := i; i := next; until i = cutbefore; end; procedure transcost; {difference due to transporting segment} begin delta := -distance^[cutafter,first]-distance^[last,cutbefore] -distance^[spliceafter,splicebefore]+distance^[cutafter,cutbefore] +distance^[spliceafter,first]+distance^[last,splicebefore]; end; procedure transport; begin tour[cutafter] := cutbefore; tour[spliceafter] := first; tour[last] := splicebefore; end; function metropolis: boolean; begin if delta < 0 then metropolis := true else metropolis := random < exp(-delta/temperature); end; procedure anneal; var i,j,k: integer; begin for j := 1 to maxstep do begin success := 0; for k := 1 to maxpath do begin findedges; if random(2) = 1 then begin {reverse segment} revcost; if metropolis then begin inc(success); path := path+delta; reverse; end end else begin {transport segment somewhere else} spliceafter := cutbefore; while offsplice > 0 do begin spliceafter := tour[spliceafter]; dec(offsplice); end; splicebefore := tour[spliceafter]; transcost; if metropolis then begin inc(success); path := path+delta; transport; end; end; if success >= maxsuccess then break; end; drawtour; temperature := temperature*tfactor; if success = 0 then break; end; end; procedure report; var i: integer; d,p: real; solution: text; begin assign(solution,paramstr(2)); rewrite(solution); i := 0; p := 0.0; writeln('City':20,'Distance (miles)':20,'Cumulative':20); writeln(solution,'City':20,'Distance (miles)':20,'Cumulative':20); writeln(solution); repeat d := distance^[i,tour[i]]; p := p + d; writeln(cities[i].name:20,d:20:0,p:20:0); writeln(solution,cities[i].name:20,d:20:0,p:20:0); i := tour[i]; until i = 0; writeln('Lower bound on optimal solution: ',lowerbound:8:0); writeln(solution,'Lower bound on optimal solution: ',lowerbound:8:0); close(solution); end; begin init; anneal; closegraph; report; dispose(distance); end.