program moondays; uses dos; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} {-- Calculate Approxmiate Phase of the Moon: --} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} {-- Uses formula by P. Harvey in the "Journal of the British --} {-- Astronomical Association", July 1941. Formula is accurate to --} {-- within one day (or on some occassions two days). If anyone knows --} {-- a better formula please let me know! Internet: --} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} {-- Calculates number of days since the new moon where: --} {-- 0 = New moon 15 = Full Moon --} {-- 7 = First Quarter 22 = Last Quarter (right half dark) --} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Function Moon_age(y : word; m : word; d : word) : byte; var i : integer; c : word; begin c:=(y div 100); if (m>2) then dec(m,2) else inc(m,10); i:=((((((y mod 19)*11)+(c div 3)+(c div 4)+8)-c)+m+d) mod 30); moon_age:=i; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} {-- Enable Dos redirection: --} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure DosRedirect; begin ASSIGN(Input,'');RESET(Input); ASSIGN(Output,'');REWRITE(Output); end; {**********************************************************************} {**********************************************************************} var ty, tm, td, tdow : word; BEGIN DosRedirect; Getdate(ty,tm,td,tdow); tdow := Moon_age(ty,tm,td); Write('The moon is ',tdow,' day'); if tdow<>1 then write('s'); write(' old.'); case tdow of 0 : Write(' New moon!'); 7 : Write(' First Quater!'); 15: Write(' Full moon!'); 22: Write(' Last Quarter!'); end; writeln; END.