{ For those of you out there that really hate getting stuck on a "jumble" type puzzle, here's a program to solve yer problem. [EG. GILTH = ? LIGHT] For those of you who don't really quite know how important recursive programming is, study and enjoy. The first example [unjumble2] is shorter than [unjumble1] but it is very inefficient. } {$A+,B-,D+,E-,F-,G+,I-,L+,N-,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S-,T-,V-,X-} {$M 8192,0,655360} { Swag Ready } program jumble; {: Can be used to solve that popular "Jumble"(R) puzzle :} { Takes a string and finds all the possiblites of } { a scrabmled word. } { possiblities len ^ lenth power } { with replacement } procedure unjumble2( S : string ); { unefficient } VAR count : longInt; procedure rec( O,S : string; N,len : byte); VAR I : byte; begin IF n > len then begin if (count mod (80 div (len +2 ))) =0 then Writeln; inc( count ); write( S:len+1 ); end else begin For I := 1 to len do begin s[n] := o[I]; Rec(o,S, (N+1), len); end; end; end; begin count := 1; rec( s,s, 1,ord(s[0])); writeln; writeln(count); end; { possibilities len! factorial } { without replacement } procedure unjumble( S : string ); { unefficient } VAR T : char; Count : longInt; procedure rec2( o : string; n,len : byte) ; VAR I : byte; begin IF n > len then begin if (count mod (80 div (len +2 ))) =0 then Writeln; inc ( count ); write( o:len+1 ); end else begin For I := n to len do begin IF I <> n then begin t := o[n]; o[n] := o[I]; o[i] := T; end; Rec2(o, (N+1), len); end; end; end; begin count := 1; rec2(S,1,ord(s[0])); writeln; writeln(count); end; begin unjumble2('snac'); { "cans" backwards } { 4 = 256 possibilites } unjumble ('snac'); { 4! = 24 possibilites } end. [end code] NOTE: A ten letter word will have 100,000,000,000 poss's via unjumble2 and 3,628,800 via unjumble - obviously your computer might fail before then.