{ Heres some source to tickertape a string with a few demos I stumbled on :) If you use this source or like it please tell me what you think and give me credit :) Thanx... ---------> CUT <-------- } Uses CRT; Procedure WaitRetrace; Assembler; Asm mov dx,3dah @L1: in al,dx test al,08h jne @L1 @L2: in al,dx test al,08h je @L2 End; Function TickerR(Instring : String) : String; Var {Ticks right. } TmpStr : String; {Temporary string. } TmpChar : String; {Temporary character. } Begin {Begin code. } TmpChar:=Instring[Length(Instring)]; {Grab the last character. } Insert(TmpChar,Instring,1); {Insert it before the 1st character. } Delete(Instring,Length(Instring),1); {Delete the last character. } TickerR:=Instring; {And return the result. } End; {Exit function. } Function TickerL(Instring : String) : String; Var {Ticks wrong ;) (left) } TmpStr : String; {Temporary string. } TmpChar : Char; {Temporary character. } Begin {Begin code. } TmpChar:=Instring[1]; {Grab the 1st character. } Delete(Instring,1,1); {Delete the 1st character. } TmpStr:=Instring+TmpChar; {Tape the 1st onto the end. } TickerL:=TmpStr; {And return the result. } End; {Exit function. } Var Tick1,Tick2 : String; {Holds the 2 demo strings. } Msg : String; {The message. } Begin ClrScr; Msg:=' Press a key for 1st demo....While running - Press a key for next.'; Repeat Msg:=TickerL(Msg); WaitRetrace; Write(Msg+#13); Delay(200); Until Keypressed; ReadKey; Tick1:='Howdy there everyone! How are ya all? Very good I hope....Well......Adios! '; Tick2:=Tick1; {Try uncommenting these down here... Pretty weird looking in #2!} {Tick1:='°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±² Û ²±°±²Û²±';Tick2:='°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²±°±²Û²± °±²Û²±°±²Û² ±°±²Û²±';} Repeat Tick1:=TickerR(Tick1); Tick2:=TickerL(Tick2); GotoXY(1,1); WaitRetrace; WriteLn(Tick1); Write(Tick2); Until Keypressed; ReadKey; ClrScr; Msg:=' Press a key for 2nd demo....While running - Press a key for next.'; Repeat Msg:=TickerL(Msg); WaitRetrace; Write(Msg+#13); Delay(200); Until Keypressed; ReadKey; Repeat Tick1:=TickerR(Tick1); Tick2:=TickerL(Tick2); WaitRetrace; WriteLn(Tick1); WriteLn(Tick2); Until Keypressed; ReadKey; ClrScr; Msg:=' Press a key for 3rd demo....While running - Press a key to end.'; Repeat Msg:=TickerL(Msg); WaitRetrace; Write(Msg+#13); Delay(200); Until Keypressed; ReadKey; Tick1:='Here we go to merge again...And again. '; Tick2:=Tick1; Repeat GotoXY(1,1); Tick1:=TickerR(Tick1); Tick2:=TickerL(Tick2); WaitRetrace; Write(Tick1+'³'+Tick2+#10#13+Tick2+'³'+Tick1); Until Keypressed; ReadKey; WriteLn(#10#10#13'Û²±° Bye! Remember to give me credit for this! :) °±²Û'); End.