{$A+,B+,D+,E+,F-,G+,I+,L+,N+,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S+,T-,V+,X+} {$M 5000,0,0} Uses dos, crt; var ctr, dd, cc : integer; Procedure Statbar(fc, bc : char; ft, bk : integer; cn, en, xs, ys : integer; tf : boolean); var percentage : integer; begin percentage := round(cn / en * 100 / 2); {/2 changed for shorter bars.} Gotoxy(xs,ys); textcolor(ft); For Ctr := 1 to percentage do write(fc); textcolor(bk); For Ctr := 1 to 50 - percentage do write(bc); if tf = true then begin write(#32, percentage * 2,'%'); end; end; begin textbackground(1); clrscr; textcolor(11); gotoxy(1,2); Writeln(' Microsoft Scandisk '); gotoxy(5,3); For Ctr := 1 to 70 do Write('Ä'); gotoxy(5,23); For Ctr := 1 to 70 do Write('Ä'); {the below is in my mtbwin.inc ... you can convert it to gotoxy etc.. button(5, 21, 15, 9, 5,'< Paused >'); button(18, 21, 15, 9, 5,'< More Info >'); button(34, 21, 15, 9, 5,'< Exit >');} textcolor(7); gotoxy(1,5); Writeln(' ScanDisk is now checking the following areas of drive c:'); writeln; {û X} cc := 1; {the part that controls the starbar/action(s)... } Repeat Statbar(#219,#176, 14, 14, cc, 1000, 25, 24, true); inc(cc, 1); Gotoxy(11, 7); {Pipe('û'); forecolor(7);} Case cc of 150 : Writeln(' DoubleSpace file header '); 250 : Writeln(' Directory structure '); 330 : Writeln(' File system '); 430 : Writeln(' DoubleSpace file allocation table'); 500 : Writeln(' Compression structure '); 750 : Writeln(' Volume signatures '); 850 : Writeln(' Boot sector '); 1000 : Writeln(' Surface scan '); end; { for dd := 1 to 34 do write(#8,#32,#8);} until cc = 1000 end.