{ RAPHAEL VANNEY > Can anybody help me out on the Function INT 33 - 9/8. It's the set mouse > cursor Function. I see that you can draw your own mouse cursor, but I don't > understand how to move a bitmap into Es:Dx. I don't know the size for > the bit map to be, or the dimensions. Could anybody help me out? } Const Disque : Array [0..31] of Word = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,32766,32766,32760,32760,32766,32382,31806, 31806,32382,32766,32382,32382,32382,32766,0); Procedure CurseurSouris(Var Motif; x, y : Word); Assembler; Asm Mov AX, 9 { set cursor shape } Mov BX, x Mov CX, y LES DX, Motif Int $33 end ; begin { ... } CurseurSouris(Disque, 8, 8); { ... } end.