{ > I whant to draw a new mouse cursor, and the routines that I'm using will > allow me to do this by passing an array [0..31] of integer; I don't know > how to draw a cursor thought using this array. Some other routins have > predifined cursors, but that nubers are out of range. Here's some explanation: At the memory location where ES:DX points to, there have to be first 16 words (the screen mask) followed by 16 words (the cursor mask). The screen mask defines an AND with the background beneath the cursor, and the cursor mask defines a XOR with the background pixels. - For each pixel use the following Equations: 1. expand each mask-bit to the width needed to display one colored-pixel in the used video-mode, e.g. if you are using mode $13 (320x200x256) each mask-bit is expanded to 8 bits (one byte). If you are using 640x480x16, each mask-bit is expanded to 4 bits. 2. Backgrd._pixel AND screen-mask_pixel XOR cursor-mask_pixel => new pixel. Example: (standard arrow-cursor) screen-mask cursor-mask | cursor-form | 1001111111111111 0000000000000000 | +00+++++++++++++ 1000111111111111 0010000000000000 | +010++++++++++++ 1000011111111111 0011000000000000 | +0110+++++++++++ 1000001111111111 0011100000000000 | +01110++++++++++ 1000000111111111 0011110000000000 | +011110+++++++++ 1000000011111111 0011111000000000 | +0111110++++++++ 1000000001111111 0011111100000000 | +01111110+++++++ 1000000000111111 0011111110000000 | +011111110++++++ 1000000000011111 0011111111000000 | +0111111110+++++ 1000000000001111 0011111000000000 | +01111100000++++ 1000000011111111 0011011000000000 | +0110110++++++++ 1000100001111111 0010001100000000 | +01000110+++++++ 1001100001111111 0000001100000000 | +00++0110+++++++ 1111110000111111 0000000110000000 | ++++++0110++++++ 1111110000111111 0000000110000000 | ++++++0110++++++ 1111111000111111 0000000000000000 | +++++++000++++++ | As you can easily see: screen-mask | cursor-mask | new pixel -------------+-------------+----------- 0 | 0 | black 0 | 1 | white 1 | 0 | background visible 1 | 1 | background inverted A quick example for the inverted background: Lets say we have a 01101101 as a backgroundpixel, ok? 1. 01101101 AND 11111111 (expanded) screen-mask-bit ----------------------------------------- 01101101 leaving the background-pixel untouched. 2. 01101101 XOR 11111111 (expanded) cursor-mask-bit ----------------------------------------- 10010010 inverted background pixel }