{ MP> Can someone show me what a PASCAL procedure would look like to MP> encapsulate the following information (from Brown's int list): MP> INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SERVER DATE AND TIME I tested this on our Novell 3.11 network: } program ServDate; uses Dos; type tDateAndTime = record Year : Byte; Month : Byte; Day : Byte; Hours : Byte; Minutes : Byte; Seconds : Byte; DayOfWeek : Byte end; String9 = string[ 9 ]; const DayArray : array[ 0..6 ] of String9 = ( 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ); MonthArray : array[ 1..12 ] of String9 = ( 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ); function GetFileServerDateAndTime( var DTBuf : tDateAndTime ) : Byte; var NovRegs : Registers; begin with NovRegs do begin AH := $E7; DS := Seg( DTBuf ); DX := Ofs( DTBuf ); MSDos( NovRegs ); GetFileServerDateAndTime := AL end end; var DateAndTime : tDateAndTime; ResultCode : Byte; begin ResultCode := GetFileServerDateAndTime( DateAndTime ); if ResultCode = 0 then with DateAndTime do begin Write( 'File server date/time = ', DayArray[ DayOfWeek ], ', ', MonthArray[ Month ], ' ', Day ); if ( Year < 80 ) then Write( ', 20', Year ) else Write( ', 19', Year ); WriteLn( ' at ', Hours, ':', Minutes, ':', Seconds ) end else WriteLn( 'Date/time call unsuccessful' ) end.