Unit Litl_Nov; (**********************************************************************) (* by Kevin R. Pierce *) (* December 29, 1991 *) (* Kev1n@aol.com *) (**********************************************************************) interface type LoginTime = array[0..6] of byte; ConnectionInfo = record Object_ID : longint; Object_Type : word; Object_Name : array[1..48] of char; Login_Time : LoginTime; ApplicationNumber : word; {swap & display Hex} end; CnxnInfoREQUEST = record ReqBuffLen : word; {always = 2} Mask : byte; {always = 16h} CnxnNo : byte; { >1 } end; CnxnInfoREPLY = record RepBuffLen : word; {always = SIZEOF(ConnectionInfo) } Data : ConnectionInfo; end; function NOV_GetConnectionNumber:integer; procedure NOV_GetConnectionInformation(connection:byte; var Result:ConnectionInfo); (**********************************************************************) implementation uses dos; function NOV_GetConnectionNumber:integer; var buf : registers; begin buf.AH:=$DC; intr($21,buf); NOV_GetConnectionNumber:=buf.AL; end; procedure NOV_GetConnectionInformation(connection:byte; var Result:ConnectionInfo); var buf : registers; req : CnxnInfoREQUEST; rep : CnxnInfoREPLY; begin with buf do begin AH:=$E3; DS:=seg(req); SI:=ofs(req); ES:=seg(rep); DI:=ofs(rep); end; with req do begin ReqBuffLen := Sizeof(req)-2; Mask := $16; CnxnNo := Connection; end; fillchar(rep,sizeof(rep),0); rep.RepBuffLen:=Sizeof(rep)-2; intr($21,buf); Result:=rep.data; end; end.