{ Byte to Binary... } Type String8 = String[8]; Function Byte2Bin(byTemp : Byte) : String8; Var Count : Integer; begin Byte2Bin[0] := #8; For Count := 0 to 7 do Byte2Bin[8 - Count] := Char(((byTemp shr Count) and 1) + ord('0')); end; Function Byte2BinAsm(byTemp : Byte) : String8; Assembler; Asm push ds les di,@result mov ah,byTemp mov cl,8 mov al,cl stosb @loop: mov al,24 add ah,ah adc al,al stosb loop @loop pop ds end; begin Writeln; Writeln('10 in Binary = ',Byte2Bin(10)); Writeln; Writeln('The same thing With assembly code: ',Byte2BinAsm(10)); Writeln; Readln; end.