{ INFO ON SHR and SHL } > (5 Shl 2) + 5 which is: (5 x 4) + 5 > So, 10 * 10 would be (10 Shl 3) + (10 Shl 1) This looks good but, can it be done With Variables (So I can use numbers other than 5 & 5)? Yes, just keep in mind that each shift leftward Doubles the value... p SHL 1 = p * 2 p SHL 2 = p * 4 p SHL 3 = p * 8 p SHL 4 = p * 16 ... (likewise, each shift rightward halves the value). Also keep in mind that the maximum amount you can shift is the number of bits in the Variable. Bytes are 8 bits, Words and Integers are 16 bits, and LongInts are 32 bits. if you shift a Variable its full bit size, or more, it will be 0 (zero). For example: if p is a Byte, then p SHR 8 = 0. { Use Shr/Shl to multiply/divide, rather than the operators How do you (or anybody) do this? For example, how would I do 5 * 5? } {*******************************************************************} Program DemoShifts; Var Number, Result : Word; begin { Calculate 5 * 5, without using multiplication ... } Number := 5; { original value } Result := Number SHL 2; { now Result = 4 * Number } Result := Result + Number; { 4*Number + Number = 5*Number } WriteLn( '5 * 5 = ', Result ); { because seeing is believing } end {DemoShifts}. {*******************************************************************} But TP seems sometimes to do the 'shift vs. MUL optimization' itself, this being bad if Compiling For a 386/486 CPU. A "* 2" would always result in a SHL instruction ( unless Real arithmetic was used ;-> ). Ok, I understand that part. if x shr 4 = x/4 (and the remainder is dropped) then I Really understand it. Does it? Do I? No. x shl 0 = x x shl 1 = x/(2^1) = x/2 x shl 2 = x/(2^2) = x/4 x shl 3 = x/(2^3) = x/8 x shl 4 = x/(2^4) = x/16 Just as: x shr 0 = x x shr 1 = x*(2^1) = 2x x shr 2 = x*(2^2) = 4x x shr 3 = x*(2^3) = 8x x shr 4 = x*(2^4) = 16x So now you can see how and why the Compiler substitutes a "shr 1" For "* 2". > PD> So, 10 * 10 would be: (10 shl 3) + 20 > > MC> not quite: > MC> (10 Shl 3)+(10 Shl 1)s, I'm back! (3:634/384.6) > > Why? wouldn't the second one take an additional instruction (shl)? Well yes, but 8086 instructions weren't created equal. PerForming two shifts and the add to combine them will (on a 286 or lesser) less time overall than doing even one MUL. The 386/486 has streamlined the MUL instruction so that it takes much less time, and can often Compete With the shift/add approach. Which to use? Well, I'd stick With the shift/add approach, since if you're writing one Program For both XTs and 386s, the XT will be acceptable, and so will the 386. Using the MUL; True, 386 perFormance will be better, but your XT perFormance will suffer quite a bit.