{ GREG VIGNEAULT > So to assign the File I will need the HEX in String format. } Type String8 = String[8]; Var MyStr : String8; ALong : LongInt; { convert a LongInt value to an 8-Character String, using hex digits } { (using all 8 Chars will allow correct order in a sorted directory) } Procedure LongToHex(AnyLong : LongInt; Var HexString : String8); Var ch : Char; Index : Byte; begin HexString := '00000000'; { default to zero } Index := Length(HexString); { String length } While AnyLong <> 0 do begin { loop 'til done } ch := Chr(48 + Byte(AnyLong) and $0F); { 0..9 -> '0'..'9' } if ch > '9' then Inc(ch, 7); { 10..15 -> 'A'..'F'} HexString[Index] := ch; { insert Char } Dec(Index); { adjust chr Index } AnyLong := AnyLong SHR 4; { For next nibble } end; end; begin ALong := $12345678; { a LongInt value } LongToHex(ALong, MyStr); { convert to hex str} WriteLn; WriteLn('$', MyStr); { display the String} WriteLn; end.