{ I've seen requests for these two procedures several times, and finally got around to writing them in ASM. { ------- CUT HERE ------- } (* Hex converts a number (num) to Hexadecimal. *) (* num is the number to convert *) (* nib is the number of Hexadecimal digits to return *) (* Example: Hex(31, 4) returns '001F' *) Function Hex(num: Word; nib: Byte): String; Assembler; ASM PUSHF LES DI, @Result XOR CH, CH MOV CL, nib MOV ES:[DI], CL JCXZ @@3 ADD DI, CX MOV BX, num STD @@1: MOV AL, BL AND AL, $0F OR AL, $30 CMP AL, $3A JB @@2 ADD AL, $07 @@2: STOSB SHR BX, 1 SHR BX, 1 SHR BX, 1 SHR BX, 1 LOOP @@1 @@3: POPF End; (* Binary converts a number (num) to Binary. *) (* num is the number to convert *) (* bits is the number of Binary digits to return *) (* Example: Binary(31, 16) returns '0000000000011111' *) Function Binary(num: Word; bits: Byte): String; Assembler; ASM PUSHF LES DI, @Result XOR CH, CH MOV CL, bits MOV ES:[DI], CL JCXZ @@3 ADD DI, CX MOV BX, num STD @@1: MOV AL, BL AND AL, $01 OR AL, $30 STOSB SHR BX, 1 LOOP @@1 @@3: POPF End; { ------- CUT HERE ------- } These procedures are fully optomized to my knowledge and have been tested against normal Pascal routines that perform the same functions. Test results returned that Hex performed aprox. 2.14 times faster than it's Pascal equivilent, and Binary performed aprox. 14 times faster than it's Pascal equivilent. Enjoy! David