{ The below is a function to convert BCD real numbers into "normal" Turbo Reals. It runs under "normal" Turbo or Turbo-87. Very likely the only use for it is to read BCD reals from a FILE and convert them. -- Neil J. Rubenking} TYPE RealBCD = array[0..9] of byte; FUNCTION BCDtoNorm(R : realBCD) : real; Var I, IntExponent : Integer; N, Tens, Exponent : Real; sign : integer; BEGIN IF R[0] = 0 THEN BCDtoNORM := 0 ELSE BEGIN IntExponent := (R[0] AND $7F) - $3F; IF R[0] AND $80 = $80 THEN Sign := -1 ELSE Sign := 1; N := 0; Tens := 0.1; FOR I := 9 downto 1 DO BEGIN N := N + Tens*(R[I] SHR 4); Tens := Tens * 0.1; N := N + Tens*(R[I] AND $F); Tens := Tens * 0.1; END; Exponent := 1.0; FOR I := 1 to IntExponent DO Exponent := Exponent * 10.0; BCDtoNORM := Exponent * N * Sign; END; END;