{ > Some trouble-shooting With Turbo Vision, AGAIN! > If i want to impelement this source code to > show x in a Window, how do i do that!! > For x:=1 to 100 do > WriteLn (x); > That means that i want show x counting in the > Window.......... Here a simple method you can use to get started. It has been tested, and it does not do much, except show a counting dialog box. } Unit CountDlg; Interface Uses Objects, dialogs, views, drivers; Type KDialog = Object(TDialog) Count : Word; ps : PStaticText; Constructor Init(Var bounds:Trect;ATitle:TTitleStr); Procedure HandleEvent(Var Event:TEvent); virtual; end; PKDialog = ^KDialog; Implementation Function NumStr(n:Word):String; Var S : String; begin Str(n,s); NumStr := s; end; Constructor KDialog.Init(Var Bounds:TRect;ATitle:TTitleStr); Var r : TRect; begin inherited init(Bounds,ATitle); Count := 0; GetExtent(r); r.grow(-1,-2); r.b.y := r.a.y + 1; new(ps,init(r,' Cyclycal counter := '+NumStr(Count))); insert(ps); end; Procedure KDialog.HandleEvent(Var Event:TEvent); begin inc(Count); if count > 10000 then count := 0; DisposeStr(ps^.Text); ps^.Text := NewStr(' Cyclycal count := '+NumStr(Count)); ps^.Draw; Inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; end. { And... the associated application to try it With ... } Program GenApp; Uses Objects, App, Views, Dialogs, CountDlg; Type GenericApp = Object(TApplication) Procedure Run; Virtual; end; Procedure GenericApp.Run; Var r : TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-26,-10); ExecuteDialog(new(PKDialog,init(r,'Test Counter')),nil); end; Var MyApp : GenericApp; begin MyApp.Init; MyApp.Run; MyApp.Done; end.