{ > Does anybody know how to get rid of the menu bar? I'm using Pascal. You can make Turbo Vision look however you wish for a text mode interface. I posted this code here earlier which is Turbo Vision without a visible menu bar or status line: } program TVDesk; { File: TVDESK.PAS Author: John Howard jh Origin: (1:280/66) Date: August 16, 1994 Note: Allows a full Turbo Vision desktop with a specific character pattern. Version: 1.0 } uses App, Objects, Menus; type TTutorApp = object(TApplication) procedure InitStatusLine; virtual; procedure InitMenuBar; virtual; procedure InitDesktop; virtual; end; procedure TTutorApp.InitStatusLine; { draw nothing, allow ALT-X quit } var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.A.Y := R.B.Y + 1; { below screen bottom } New(StatusLine, Init(R, NewStatusDef(0, $EFFF, StdStatusKeys(nil), nil))); end; procedure TTutorApp.InitMenuBar; { do nothing } begin end; procedure TTutorApp.InitDesktop; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); { get application rectangle } { Adjust R.A.Y and R.B.Y here! } New(Desktop, Init(R)); { construct custom desktop } Desktop^.Background^.Pattern := ' '; { change pattern character } end; var TutorApp : TTutorApp; { declare an instance of yours } begin TutorApp.Init; TutorApp.Run; TutorApp.Done; end.