{ > Does anyone have code(preferably TP) the implements AVL trees? > I'm having trouble With the insertion part of it. I'm writing a small > parts inventory Program For work(although I'm not employed as a > Programmer) and the AVL tree would be very fast For it. } Program avl; Type nodeptr = ^node; node = Record key : Char; bal : -1..+1; { bal = h(right) - h(left) } left, right : nodeptr end; tree = nodeptr; Var t : tree; h : Boolean; { insert & delete parameter } Procedure maketree(Var t : tree); begin t := nil; end; Function member(k : Char; t : tree) : Boolean; begin { member } if t = nil then member := False else if k = t^.key then member := True else if k < t^.key then member := member(k, t^.left) else member := member(k, t^.right); end; Procedure ll(Var t : tree); Var p : tree; begin p := t^.left; t^.left := p^.right; p^.right := t; t := p; end; Procedure rr(Var t : tree); Var p : tree; begin p := t^.right; t^.right := p^.left; p^.left := t; t := p; end Procedure lr(Var t : tree); begin rr(t^.left); ll(t); end; Procedure rl(Var t : tree); begin ll(t^.right); rr(t); end; Procedure insert(k : Char; Var t : tree; Var h : Boolean); Procedure balanceleft(Var t : tree; Var h : Boolean); begin Writeln('balance left'); Case t^.bal of +1 : begin t^.bal := 0; h := False; end; 0 : t^.bal := -1; -1 : begin { rebalance } if t^.left^.bal = -1 then begin { single ll rotation } Writeln('single ll rotation'); ll(t); t^.right^.bal := 0; end else { t^.left^.bal = +1 } begin { double lr rotation } Writeln('double lr rotation'); lr(t); if t^.bal = -1 then t^.right^.bal := +1 else t^.right^.bal := 0; if t^.bal = +1 then t^.left^.bal := -1 else t^.left^.bal := 0; end; t^.bal := 0; h := False; end; end; end; Procedure balanceright(Var t : tree; Var h : Boolean); begin Writeln('balance right'); Case t^.bal of -1 : begin t^.bal := 0; h := False; end; 0 : t^.bal := +1; +1 : begin { rebalance } if t^.right^.bal = +1 then begin { single rr rotation } Writeln('single rr rotation'); rr(t); t^.left^.bal := 0 end else { t^.right^.bal = -1 } begin { double rl rotation } Writeln('double rl rotation'); rl(t); if t^.bal = -1 then t^.right^.bal := +1 else t^.right^.bal := 0; if t^.bal = +1 then t^.left^.bal := -1 else t^.left^.bal := 0; end; t^.bal := 0; h := False; end; end; end; begin { insert } if t = nil then begin new(t); t^.key := k; t^.bal := 0; t^.left := nil; t^.right := nil; h := True; end else if k < t^.key then begin insert(k, t^.left, h); if h then balanceleft(t, h); end else if k > t^.key then begin insert(k, t^.right, h); if h then balanceright(t, h); end; end; Procedure delete(k : Char; Var t : tree; Var h : Boolean); Procedure balanceleft(Var t : tree; Var h : Boolean); begin Writeln('balance left'); Case t^.bal of -1 : begin t^.bal := 0; h := True; end; 0 : begin t^.bal := +1; h := False; end; +1 : begin { rebalance } if t^.right^.bal >= 0 then begin Writeln('single rr rotation'); { single rr rotation } if t^.right^.bal = 0 then begin rr(t); t^.bal := -1; h := False; end else begin rr(t); t^.left^.bal := 0; t^.bal := 0; h := True; end; end else { t^.right^.bal = -1 } begin Writeln('double rl rotation'); rl(t); t^.left^.bal := 0; t^.right^.bal := 0; h := True; end; end; end; end; Procedure balanceright(Var t : tree; Var h : Boolean); begin Writeln('balance right'); Case t^.bal of +1 : begin t^.bal := 0; h := True; end; 0 : begin t^.bal := -1; h := False; end; -1 : begin { rebalance } if t^.left^.bal <= 0 then begin { single ll rotation } Writeln('single ll rotation'); if t^.left^.bal = 0 then begin ll(t); t^.bal := +1; h := False; end else begin ll(t); t^.left^.bal := 0; t^.bal := 0; h := True; end; end else { t^.left^.bal = +1 } begin { double lr rotation } Writeln('double lr rotation'); lr(t); t^.left^.bal := 0; t^.right^.bal := 0; h := True; end; end; end; end; Function deletemin(Var t : tree; Var h : Boolean) : Char; begin { deletemin } if t^.left = nil then begin deletemin := t^.key; t := t^.right; h := True; end else begin deletemin := deletemin(t^.left, h); if h then balanceleft(t, h); end; end; begin { delete } if t <> nil then begin if k < t^.key then begin delete(k, t^.left, h); if h then balanceleft(t, h); end else if k > t^.key then begin delete(k, t^.right, h); if h then balanceright(t, h); end else if (t^.left = nil) and (t^.right = nil) then begin t := nil; h := True; end else if t^.left = nil then begin t := t^.right; h := True; end else if t^.right = nil then begin t := t^.left; h := True; end else begin t^.key := deletemin(t^.right, h); if h then balanceright(t, h); end; end; end; begin end.