{ MG> Trying to figure out the fastest way MG> to find and delete duplicate strings, MG> which are actually file names in an MG> ASCII file. Using the strings and objects unit, pstringcollections can be used to sort and test for dupes quite easilly. } Uses Objects,Strings,Dos; Const inFile : String = ''; OutFile : String = ''; DupFile : String = ''; Type NewPCol = Object(TStringCollection) function compare(key1,key2:pointer):integer; virtual; end; PSColl = ^NewPCol; Function NewPCol.Compare(key1,key2:pointer):integer; Begin Compare := StrIComp(key1,key2); End; Procedure Doit; Var NewLst, DupLst : PSColl; s : string; ps : pstring; f : text; i : integer; Procedure WriteEm(pst:Pstring); far; begin writeln(f,pst^); end; Begin New(NewLst,init(5,5)); New(DupLst,init(5,5)); DupLst^.Duplicates := true; assign(f,InFile); reset(f); While not Eof(f) do Begin readln(f,s); if s <> '' then begin ps := newstr(s); i := NewLst^.Count; NewLst^.insert(ps); if i = NewLst^.Count then DupLst^.insert(ps); end; End; close(f); if NewLst^.count > 0 then begin assign(f,OutFile); rewrite(f); NewLst^.forEach(@WriteEm); close(f); end; if DupLst^.Count > 0 then begin assign(f,DupFile); rewrite(f); DupLst^.forEach(@WriteEm); close(f); end; dispose(DupLst,done); dispose(NewLst,Done); End; Begin if paramcount < 2 then halt; InFile := paramstr(1); OutFile := paramstr(2); DupFile := OutFile; Dec(DupFile[0],3); DupFile := DupFile + 'DUP'; if DupFile = OutFile then halt; Doit; End.