Unit MgLinked; interface const { Error list. } Succes = $00; Need_Mem = $01; Point_To_Nil = $02; type DoubleLstPtr = ^DoubleLst; DoubleLst = record Serial : longint; Size : word; Addresse : pointer; Next : DoubleLstPtr; Previous : DoubleLstPtr; end; PDoubleLst = ^ODoubleLst; ODoubleLst = object private LastCodeErr : word; {-- Last error. --} public TotalObj : longint; {-- Total obj allocate. --} CurentObj : DoubleLstPtr; {-- Curent obj number. --} constructor Init(var Install:boolean; Serial:longint; Size:word; Data:pointer); {-- Initialise all variables, new curent. ---} destructor Done; {--- get and clear the last err. ---} function LastError:word; {--- Seek to end and add an object. ---} procedure Add(Size:word; Data:pointer); {--- Change the size of data of a object. 0 = change curent. ---} procedure ChangeSize(Serial:longint; NewSize : word); {--- Insert an object before the curent obj. 0 = insert curent pos ---} procedure Insert(Serial:longint; Size:word; Data:pointer); {--- Delete an object from the list. 0 = delete curent. ---} procedure Delete(Serial:longint); {--- Pointe on next or end, etc. ---} procedure SeekFirst; procedure SeekLast; procedure SeekNext; procedure SeekPrevious; procedure SeekNum(Serial:longint); {--- Move data from obj to user buffer ---} {--- 0 = use curent object. ---} function MoveObjToPtr(Serial:longint; p:pointer):word; {--- Move user buffer to obj data. obj data take ObjSize bytes ---} {--- 0 = use curent object. ---} function MovePtrToObj(Serial:longint; p:pointer):word; end; implementation (****************************************************************************) procedure move(Src,Dst:pointer; Size:word);assembler; asm lds si,Src les di,Dst mov cx,Size cld rep movsb end; (****************************************************************************) constructor ODoubleLst.Init(var Install:boolean; Serial:longint; Size:word; Data:pointer); {-- Initialise all variables, new curent. ---} begin Install := false; if Serial = 0 then exit; New(CurentObj); if CurentObj = nil then exit; GetMem(CurentObj^.Addresse, Size); if CurentObj^.Addresse = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Need_Mem; exit; end; CurentObj^.Next := nil; CurentObj^.Previous := nil; CurentObj^.Size := Size; CurentObj^.Serial := Serial; move(Data, CurentObj^.Addresse, Size); TotalObj := 1; Install := true; LastCodeErr := Succes; end; (****************************************************************************) destructor ODoubleLst.Done; {-- Initialise all variables, new curent. ---} begin repeat delete(0); until (LastError <> Succes) or (TotalObj <= 0); end; (****************************************************************************) function ODoubleLst.LastError:word; {--- get and clear the last err. ---} begin LastError := LastCodeErr; LastCodeErr := 0; end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.Add(Size:word; Data:pointer); {--- Seek to end and add an object. ---} begin repeat SeekNext until LastError <> Succes; { SeekEnd } New(CurentObj^.Next); if CurentObj^.Next = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Need_Mem; exit; end; GetMem(CurentObj^.Next^.Addresse, Size); if CurentObj^.Next^.Addresse = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Need_Mem; exit; end; CurentObj^.Next^.Size := Size; { Store information data. } move(Data, CurentObj^.Next^.Addresse, Size); { Increment the total number of reccords. } inc(TotalObj); CurentObj^.Next^.Next := nil; CurentObj^.Next^.Previous := CurentObj; LastCodeErr := Succes; end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.ChangeSize(Serial:longint; NewSize : word); {--- Change the size of an object. ---} var p:pointer; begin getmem(p,NewSize); if p = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Need_mem; exit; end; SeekNum(Serial); move(CurentObj^.Addresse, p, NewSize); freemem(CurentObj^.Addresse, CurentObj^.Size); CurentObj^.Size := NewSize; CurentObj^.Addresse := p; LastCodeErr := Succes; end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.Insert(Serial:longint; Size:word; Data:pointer); {--- Insert an object before the curent obj. ---} Var n:DoubleLstPtr; begin new(n); if n = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Need_mem; exit; end; SeekNum(Serial); getmem(n^.Addresse, Size); if n^.Addresse = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Need_mem; exit; end; n^.Size := Size; move(Data, n^.Addresse, Size); n^.Previous := CurentObj^.Previous; n^.Next := CurentObj; CurentObj^.Previous^.Next := n; CurentObj^.Previous := n; inc(TotalObj); end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.Delete(Serial:longint); {--- Delete an object from the list. ---} begin SeekNum(Serial); if CurentObj^.Addresse <> nil then begin FreeMem(CurentObj^.Addresse,CurentObj^.Size); CurentObj^.Addresse := nil; end; CurentObj^.Next^.Previous := CurentObj^.Previous; CurentObj^.Previous^.Next := CurentObj^.Next; if CurentObj <> nil then Dispose(CurentObj); CurentObj := CurentObj^.Previous; dec(TotalObj); end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.SeekLast; begin repeat SeekNext until LastError <> Succes; end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.SeekFirst; begin repeat SeekPrevious until LastError <> Succes; end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.SeekNext; begin if CurentObj^.Next = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Point_To_Nil; exit; end; CurentObj := CurentObj^.Next; LastCodeErr := Succes; end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.SeekPrevious; begin if CurentObj^.Previous = nil then begin LastCodeErr := Point_To_Nil; exit; end; CurentObj := CurentObj^.Previous; LastCodeErr := Succes; end; (****************************************************************************) procedure ODoubleLst.SeekNum(Serial:longint); begin if Serial = 0 then exit; SeekFirst; repeat SeekNext; if CurentObj^.Serial = Serial then begin LastCodeErr := Succes; break; end; if LastError <> Succes then begin LastCodeErr := Point_To_Nil; break; end else continue; until false; end; (****************************************************************************) function ODoubleLst.MoveObjToPtr(Serial:longint; p:pointer):word; {--- Move data from obj to user buffer ---} begin SeekNum(Serial); if (CurentObj^.Addresse = nil) or (p = nil) then begin LastCodeErr := Point_To_Nil; exit; end; move(CurentObj^.Addresse, p, CurentObj^.Size); LastCodeErr := Succes; MoveObjToPtr := CurentObj^.Size; end; (****************************************************************************) function ODoubleLst.MovePtrToObj(Serial:longint; p:pointer):word; {--- Move user buffer to obj data. obj data take ObjSize bytes ---} begin SeekNum(Serial); if (CurentObj^.Addresse = nil) or (p = nil) then begin LastCodeErr := Point_To_Nil; exit; end; move(p, CurentObj^.Addresse, CurentObj^.Size); LastCodeErr := Succes; MovePtrToObj := CurentObj^.Size; end; end.