PROGRAM BinaryTreeSample ( INPUT, OUTPUT ); USES Crt; TYPE NodePtr = ^Node; Node = RECORD Left, Parent, Right : WORD; KeyWord : POINTER; { Will hold in STRING format } END; { Where 1st byte is length } Comparison = (Less, Greater, Equal); VAR NewWord : STRING; { Holds word typed in } StartMem : LONGINT; { Holds starting memory } Counter, { Used for FOR Loop } LastNode : WORD; { Holds last node stored } BTree : ARRAY[1..16000] OF NodePtr; { Entire Binary Tree } FUNCTION PtrStr ( Ptr : POINTER ) : STRING; { Ptr --> String conversion } VAR Str : STRING; BEGIN Move( Ptr^, Str, Mem[Seg(Ptr^):Ofs(Ptr^)]+1 ); { +1 to copy count byte } PtrStr := Str; END; PROCEDURE Destroy ( VAR P : POINTER ); BEGIN FreeMem (P,Mem[Seg(P^):Ofs(P^)]+1); { Dispose ptr to free mem } END; FUNCTION Compare( Ptr1, { Compares two ptrs like } Ptr2 : POINTER ) : Comparison; { strings, returning: <, } { >, or = } VAR Str1, Str2 : STRING; Result : Comparison; BEGIN Move( Ptr1^, Str1, Mem[Seg(Ptr1^):Ofs(Ptr1^)]+1 ); Move( Ptr2^, Str2, Mem[Seg(Ptr2^):Ofs(Ptr2^)]+1 ); IF Str1=Str2 THEN Result := Equal ELSE IF Str1>Str2 THEN Result := Greater ELSE Result := Less; Compare := Result; END; PROCEDURE Str_To_Pointer ( Str : STRING; { Converts Str to Ptr } VAR Ptr : POINTER ); BEGIN GetMem(Ptr,Ord(Str[0])+1); Move (Str,Ptr^,Ord(Str[0])+1); END; PROCEDURE PlaceWord ( Str : STRING ); { Sort through binary tree, and if } { the word does not exist, add the } VAR NewNode : Node; { node to the binary tree } Index : WORD; Found, SearchFinished : BOOLEAN; Comp : Comparison; BEGIN SearchFinished := (LastNode=0); Found := FALSE; Index := 1; WITH NewNode DO { Constructs initial full node } BEGIN Left := 0; { Don't know yet } Right := 0; { " " " } Parent := 0; { " " " } Str_To_Pointer ( Str, KeyWord ); { This should store the word in ^ } END; IF SearchFinished THEN BEGIN Inc(LastNode); { Increase LastNode +1 } New(BTree[LastNode]); { Create next node } BTree[LastNode]^ := NewNode; { Store new node now } END; WHILE NOT (SearchFinished OR Found) DO BEGIN Comp := Compare(NewNode.Keyword,BTree[Index]^.KeyWord); IF Comp=EQUAL THEN Found := TRUE ELSE IF Comp=Less THEN BEGIN IF BTree[Index]^.Left = 0 THEN { IF Last branch then } BEGIN { .. lets make a new one } Inc(LastNode); { Increase LastNode +1 } New(BTree[LastNode]); { Create next node } BTree[Index]^.Left := LastNode; { Point left to next node } NewNode.Parent := Index; { Set parent to index } BTree[LastNode]^ := NewNode; { Store new node now } SearchFinished := TRUE { All finished! } END ELSE Index := BTree[Index]^.Left END ELSE { Must be greater then } BEGIN IF BTree[Index]^.Right = 0 THEN { IF Last branch then.. } BEGIN { .. lets make a new one } Inc(LastNode); { Increase LastNode +1 } New(BTree[LastNode]); { Create next node } BTree[Index]^.Right := LastNode; { Point left to next node } NewNode.Parent := Index; { Set parent to index } BTree[LastNode]^ := NewNode; { Store new node now } SearchFinished := TRUE { All finished! } END ELSE Index := BTree[Index]^.Right END; END; END; PROCEDURE Init; BEGIN LastNode := 0; END; PROCEDURE DisposeAll; VAR Counter : WORD; BEGIN FOR Counter := 1 TO LastNode DO BEGIN Destroy(BTree[Counter]^.KeyWord); Dispose(BTree[Counter]); END END; BEGIN ClrScr; StartMem := MemAvail; Init; REPEAT Write ('Insert new word ["stop" to finish] : '); Readln (NewWord); IF NewWord <> 'stop' THEN PlaceWord ( NewWord ); UNTIL NewWord='stop'; Writeln; Writeln (' Node Left Parent Right Word'); Writeln ('-----------------------------------------------'); FOR Counter := 1 TO LastNode DO WITH BTree[Counter]^ DO Writeln (Counter:5,Left:8,Parent:11,Right:10,' ',PtrStr(KeyWord)); Writeln; Writeln ('Initial memory availible : ',StartMem); Writeln ('Memory availible before dispose : ',MemAvail); DisposeAll; Writeln ('Memory availible after clean-up : ',MemAvail); Readln; END.