>---------< How to save/restore the whole screen >---------- {$X+} Uses Crt; Type PScreenBuf = ^TScreenBuf; TScreenBuf = Array [1..2000] of Word; Var ScreenBuf: PScreenBuf; { Pointer to actual video ram } Scr: TScreenBuf; { buffer For screen storage } VideoPort: Word Absolute 0:$463; { the video port adr } i: Byte; { :-) you'll always find it } { in Programs like this :-) } begin if VideoPort = $3D4 then ScreenBuf := Ptr ($B800,0) { oh, it's color :-) } else ScreenBuf := Ptr ($B000,0); { oh no, mono :-( } Scr := ScreenBuf^; {*** SAVE SCREEN ***} if ReadKey=#0 then ReadKey; { wait For any key } For i:=1 to 60 do Writeln ('Hello guys out there...'); { DESTROY SCREEN } if ReadKey=#0 then ReadKey; { wait For any key } ScreenBuf^ := Scr; {*** REStoRE SCREEN ***} if ReadKey=#0 then ReadKey; { wait For any key } end. >-----------------< Yes! Even tested! >---------------------