{ SO> Got a question For you all out there..... How the heck can I Write a SO> Character into the bottom right corner of a Window without the Window SO> scrolling? SO> SO> if anyone knows some way to keep the Write command from Forwarding the SO> cursor position Pointer, that would be fine enough For me..... Sean, here is a way to do it without resorting to poking the screen. } {$A+,B+,D+,E-,F+,G-,I+,L+,N-,O+,P+,Q+,R+,S+,T-,V-,X+,Y+} {$M 8192,0,0} Uses Crt; Var index1, Index2: Byte; begin ClrScr; {****************************************** First Write top line of bordered display ******************************************} Write ('É'); {Write top Left Corner} For Index1 := 1 to 78 do {Write top Horizontal line } Write ('Í'); Write ('»'); {Write top Right Corner} {******************************************* Now Write Bottom line of bordered display *******************************************} Write ('È'); {Write Bottom Left Corner} For Index1 := 1 to 78 do {Write Bottom horizontal line} Write ('Í'); Write ('¼'); {Write Bottom Right Corner} {******************************************************************** Now inSERT 23 lines of Left&Right bordered display, pushing bottom line down as we do ********************************************************************} For Index1 := 1 to 23 do begin { Repeat 23 times } GotoXY (1, 2); {Move cursor back to Col 1, Line 2} InsLine; {Insert blank line (Scroll Text down)} Write ('º'); {Write Left border vertical caracter} For Index2 := 1 to 78 do {Write 78 spaces} Write (' '); Write ('º'); {Write Right border vertical caracter} end; {*********************************************************** I added this so the Program would pause For a key. This way it will allow you to see that it does not scroll up since the cursor never Writes to position 25,80 ***********************************************************} Asm {Assembler code to flush keyboard} mov Ax, 0C00h; Int 21h; end; ReadKey ; {Wait For a keypress} end. { BTW, this was written, Compiled and Tested in BP 7.0 but should work in TP 4.0 and up if you remove the Assembler stuff. }