{ From: GREG ESTABROOKS I was wondering if anybody knew how to capture a character in Turbo Pascal 6.0 at any x,y location like QuickBasic's SCREEN(x,y). } FUNCTION GetChar( X,Y :WORD; VAR Attrib:BYTE ) :CHAR; VAR Ofs :WORD; BEGIN { NOTE: Change the Segment from $B800 } { to $B000 for MonoChrome. } Ofs := ((Y-1) * 160) + ((X SHL 1) - 1); Attrib := MEM[$B800:Ofs]; GetChar := CHR( MEM[$B800:Ofs-1] ); END; { From: LOU DUCHEZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function getvideodata(x, y: byte): char; { "Reads" a character off the video screen. } type videolocation = record { video memory locations } videodata: char; { character displayed } videoattribute: byte; { attributes } end; var vidptr: ^videolocation; monosystem: boolean; videosegment: word; scrncols: byte absolute $0040:$004a; videomode: byte absolute $0040:$0049; begin monosystem := (videomode = 7); if monosystem then videosegment := $b000 else videosegment := $b800; vidptr := ptr(videosegment, 2*(scrncols*(y - 1) + (x - 1))); getvideodata := vidptr^.videodata; end;