{ > I've got all kinds of routines by now, from fire to plasma, etc. > But what I need is a screen in graphics mode 13h (or mode-x), > where text scrolls from the bottom of the screen to the top of > the screen. The address is a000:0000 - now all you should do is: } x : array[1..320] of byte; asm mov ax,$a000 mov es,ax mov ds,ax cld mov cx,160 xor si,si mov di,offset x[1] rep movsw mov si,320 xor di,di mov cx,160*199 rep movsw mov si,offset x[1] mov di,320*199 mov cx,160 rep movsw end; { That should do it - A simple move operation. Note: This will only scroll one line. I think it's fast enough - although I tested it on a 386-dx40. The drawback of it is that you get this nasty line on the screen. }