=========================================================================== BBS: Canada Remote Systems Date: 07-11-93 (13:22) Number: 30113 From: STEVE WIERENGA Refer#: NONE To: TRAVIS GRIGGS Recvd: NO Subj: SPEAKER(OFF) Conf: (1221) F-PASCAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Travis: >> { untested, but should work } >> {$M 1024,0,0} >> {$F+} >> uses DOS; >> Var >> Old1C : Procedure; TG> >> Procedure SpeakerOff; Interrupt; >> Begin >> ASM { no sound proc, removes need to use CRT unit in a TSR } >> mov dx,061h >> in al,dx >> and al,11111100b >> out dx,al >> pushf >> End; >> Old1C; >> End; TG> >> Begin >> GetIntVec ($1C,@Old1C); >> SetIntVec ($1C,@SpeakerOff); >> Keep(0); >> End. TG> TG> I'm trying to learn to write a TSR. Could you explain every step and TG> why it's there? Thanks... I didn't write that code, actually. I have never written a TSR and don't plan to in the near future, so I suggest you ask one of the gurus here. >> --- FMail 0.90 TG> TG> Fmail 0.94 is out. You should get it. It's much better... I'm still with .90 because I can't afford to register .94 (.90 doesn't have a registration) :-(. Take Care, Steve Shockwave Software Systems --- FMail 0.90 * Origin: The Programmer's Armpit... Home of Monsoon*Qomm! (1:2613/228.2) =========================================================================== BBS: Canada Remote Systems Date: 07-10-93 (11:08) Number: 30157 From: STEVEN TALLENT Refer#: NONE To: NIELS LANGKILDE Recvd: NO Subj: RE: SPEAKER(OFF) Conf: (1221) F-PASCAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=> Quoting Niels Langkilde to Everyone <=- NL> Is it possible to diable/enable the speaker output (alternatvly NL> redirect it) ?? If so, please help ! The only thing that can be done is disabling the speaker many times a second to do it. Here's some code that disables it 18 times a second, but notably does NOT work with programs that shut down interrupts during playback. {$M 1024,0,0} {$N-,S-,G+} { Use g- for 8088 systems, g+ for V20 and above } PROGRAM NoSpeak; USES Dos; VAR OLDINT1C : Procedure; PROCEDURE ShutOff; INTERRUPT; BEGIN Port [97] := Port[97] and 253; {Turn off speaker} OldInt1C; end; BEGIN GetIntVec($1C, @OldInt1C); SetIntVec($1C, @ShutOff); Keep(0); end. Note this is a TSR, and I can't guarantee that it'll work right on anyone's computer. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- Renegade v06-25 Beta * Origin: Pink's Place (409)883-8344 735-3712 (1:3811/210)