(* For the SWAGS... To the best of my knowledge this is the fastest routine for up/low-casing strings in Turbo Pascal. The difference from previous versions is that it uses seges for segment override and within the loop it replaces loadsb and stosb with mov operations. It is also independent from the segment in which Source and Table are created. If anyone finds a bug or has a suggestion, or has a faster looking routine for string translations, just leave me a message here. I'll benchmark the new routine against the collection I have gathered already from the SWAGS and elsewhere and will post the results. The following benchmarking was done in a 486/DX 60 MHz using Neil Rubenking's TimeTick unit while upcasing a full string (255 chars) 400,000 times (100 million characters): For-Do loop using TP7 UpCase() .......... 315.5 secs. UpperCase (Assembler classical approach) 53.9 secs. (1) My old TXlat3 ........................... 28.3 secs. (2) Translate ............................... 26.8 secs. (3) TXlat5 (the one in this message) ........ 21.2 secs. (1) There are several routines using this approach in the SWAGS. See also HAX 144 in PC-Techniques. (2) See "St-case4.pas" in STRINGS.SWG, it contains an earlier (and buggy...) version. (3) See "Translate upper/lower case" in STRINGS.SWG -Jose- Jose Campione, 1:163.513.3 *) Program TXlate; type ByteArray = array[0..255] of byte; var Source : string; Table : ByteArray; i : byte; Procedure TXlat5(var Source: string; var Table: ByteArray);assembler; asm mov dx, ds { save ds } lds bx,Table { load ds:bx with Table address } les di,Source { load es:di with Source address } seges { override ds segment} mov al,[di] { load al with length of source } xor ah, ah { set ah to zero, we need a word for cx } mov cx,ax { assign length of source to counter } jcxz @end { if cx = 0 exit} inc di { increment di & skip length byte on 1st pass } @filter: mov al,[di] { load byte in ax from es:di } xlat { tan-xlat-e... } mov [di],al { send byte to es:di } inc di { increment di } loop @filter { decrement cx and loop back if cx > 0 } @end: mov ds, dx { restore ds } end; begin {...} {Fill Table for UpCase translation} for i:= 0 to 255 do if i in [$61..$7A] then Table[i]:= i - $20 else Table[i]:= i; {...} Source: 'this string is to be upcased '; WriteLn(Source); TXlat5(Source,Table); WriteLn(Source); {...} end.