{ MH> the output something like "12,345,678,910" KH> ^^^^12 Gigs huh? MH> Would anyone be able to tell me how to format the output like that? KH> KH> The only way I can think of is writing a procedure to do so. It's a KH> real pain in the *ss if you know what I mean. I had to write a program } type st14=string[14]; Function Commas(n:longint):st14; var stopat, {stop bound at left of string} npos:byte; {numeric position in string} tmp:st14; {temporary} begin str(n,tmp); {convert to string} npos:=length(tmp); {set length for counter} if tmp[1]='-' then stopat:=2 else stopat:=1; {set stop bound, compensate for negatives} while npos>stopat do begin {while commas needed} {insert a comma if needed} if (length(tmp)-npos=2) or (pos(',',tmp)-npos=3) then insert(',',tmp,npos); dec(npos); {always decrease string position until StopAt bound reached} end; commas:=tmp; {result=temporary string} end;