{ > - How can I get TP to make what ever the user enters in to CAPS or ³ > NONCAPS? Example: ³ > Enter Name -> ChRiS BrAtEnE ³ > Your name is Chris Bratene? (Y/n)? ³ I just wrote a routine that does this on the fly, so to speak, For another user, and I haven't erased it yet, so here it is (slightly modified, so that it Forces lowerCase, too): } Uses Crt; Procedure Backspace; begin Write(#8' '#8) end; Function LoCase(ch : Char) : Char; begin if ch in ['A'..'Z'] then LoCase := Char(ord(ch)+32) else LoCase := ch; end; Procedure Dibble(Var st : String); { Forces upperCase For first letter in each Word, lowerCase For other letters. } Var len : Byte Absolute st; ch : Char; Function ForceCap : Boolean; begin ForceCap := (len = 0) or (st[len] = ' '); end; begin st := ''; Repeat ch := ReadKey; if ForceCap then ch := upCase(ch) else ch := LoCase(ch); Case ch of #8 : if len > 0 then begin Backspace; dec(len); end; #27 : While len > 0 do begin BackSpace; dec(len); end; #0 : ch := ReadKey; else begin Write(ch); st := st + ch; end; end; Until ch in [#13,#27]; Writeln; end; Var st : String; begin { test } Writeln; Write('Enter String: '); Dibble(st); Writeln(st); end.