{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD> How do you write something so it is interup driven? MD> Can anyone post some simple code to perhaps count a number MD> up by one and display it to the screen while at the same MD> time allowing another part of the program do what ever it's MD> suppose to.? Marek: The features to which you refer constitute writing a TSR program. These programs are executed and terminate, but stay resident in system memory. Prior to termination they insert themselves into the Interrupt Service Routine chain of a known interrupt vector. This programming was simplified somewhat in turbo Pascal Release 4 or 5 with the addition of the Keep, GetIntVec and SetIntVec procedures of the DOS unit. However, these procedures are only a small fraction of the coding needed to write reliable TSR's. This fact explains the lack of simple code examples. To write good TSR's you need to read about them and play with someone else's code for a while. (I've coded pascal for 17 years, but my first TSR took about 3 days to debug). For a solid Pascal reference, try Tom Swan's 'Mastering Turbo Pascal'. To figure out what the interrupt functions are doing, I recommend Ralf Brown's & Jim Kyle's 'PC Interrupts'. The book is derived from their well-known interrupt list (INTERnn.ZIP) available on many programming oriented BBS systems. The index of the book is well worth the money. Finally, I recommend Ed Mitchell's "Borland Pascal Developer's Guide". Ed's TSR code is thorough and documented with education in mind. Since I'm quoting ED's book here, please buy a copy if you find the code useful. Good luck ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR Code Example ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { TSR.PAS Sample TSR application written in Turbo Pascal. IMPORTANT! This TSR operates only in TEXT mode, and, as written, supports only 80 x 25 sized screens (not 43- or 50- line display modes). This TSR will only operate on DOS 3.x or newer versions of DOS. Use this code as an example to write your own TSR code. Modify the $M compiler directive, below, to specify the maximum stack size, minimum heap and maximum heap required for your TSR application. Please see the text and other source comments for important restrictions. TSRs can be DANGEROUS, so be careful. } {$S-} {$M 3072, 0, 512} uses Crt, Dos; type { Defines an array to store the screen image. For greater efficiency, your code may want to save only the portion of the screen that is changed by your TSR code. This implementation saves the entire screen image, at popup time, for the greatest flexibility. } TSavedVideo=Array[0..24, 0..79] of Word; PSavedVideo=^TSavedVideo; { The following items define the TSR's identification string. } type String8=String[8]; const IdStr1:String8='TP7RTSR'; IdStr2:String8='TSRInUse'; var CPURegisters: Registers; { General register structure for Intr calls. } CursorStartLine: Byte; { Stores cursor shape information. } CursorEndLine: Byte; { Stores cursor shape information. } DiskInUse: Word; { Tracks INT 13 calls in progress. } MadeActive: Boolean; { TRUE if this TSR has been asked to pop up. } OurSP: Word; OurSS: Word; { Saved copies of our SS and SP registers. } PInt09: Pointer; { Saved address of keyboard handler. } PInt12: Pointer; { Saved address of GetMemorySize interrupt. } PInt1B: Pointer; { Ctrl-Break interrupt address. } PInt24: Pointer; { DOS Critical error handler. } PInt28: Pointer; { Saved address of background task scheduler. } PInt1C: Pointer; { Saved address of timer handler. } PInDosFlag: ^Word; { Points to DOS's InDos flag. } VideoMem: PSavedVideo; { Points to actual video memory area. } SavedVideo:TSavedVideo; { Stores the video memory when TSR is popped up. } SavedWindMin: Word; { Holds saved copy of WindMin for restoring window. } SavedWindMax: Word; { Holds saved copy of WindMax for restoring window. } SavedSS, SavedSP: Word; { Saves caller stack registers; must be global to store in fixed memory location, not on local stack of interrupted process. } SavedX, SavedY: Word; { Stores X, Y cursor prior to TSR popup } { for restoration when TSR goes away. } TempPtr: Pointer; { Used internally to DoUnInstall. } TSRInUse: Boolean; { Set TRUE during processing to avoid double activation. } procedure SaveDisplay; { Copies the content of video memory to an internal array structure. Saves the cursor location and cursor shape definitions. } var CursorLines: Byte; begin { Save cursor location. } SavedX := WhereX; SavedY := WhereY; { Saved existing window values. } SavedWindMin := WindMin; SavedWindMax := WindMax; { Get and save current cursor shape. } with CPURegisters do begin AH := $03; BH := 0; Intr($10, CPURegisters); CursorStartLine := CH; CursorEndLine:= CL; end; { Get equipment-type information. If Monochrome adapter in use, then point to $B000; otherwise use the color memory area. } Intr( $11, CPURegisters ); if ((CPURegisters.AX shr 4) and 7) = 3 then begin VideoMem := Ptr( $B000, 0 ); CursorLines := 15; end else begin VideoMem := Ptr( $B800, 0 ); CursorLines := 7; end; SavedVideo := VideoMem^; { Change cursor shape to block cursor. } with CPURegisters do begin AH := $01; CH := 0; CL := CursorLines; Intr($10, CPURegisters); end; end; { SaveDisplay } procedure RestoreDisplay; { Always called sometime after calling SaveDisplay. Restores the video display to its state prior to the TSR popping up. } begin { Restore screen content. } VideoMem^ := SavedVideo; { Restore cursor shape. } with CPURegisters do begin AH := $01; CH := CursorStartLine; CL := CursorEndLine; Intr($10, CPURegisters); end; { Resize window so the GotoXY (below) will work. } Window (Lo(SavedWindMin)+1, Hi(SavedWindMin)+1, Lo(SavedWindMax)+1, Hi(SavedWindMax)+1); Gotoxy ( SavedX, SavedY ); end; { Restore Display } procedure TrapCriticalErrors; assembler; { INT 24H } { This handler is enabled only while the TSR is popped up on-screen. This handler exists solely to catch any DOS critical errors and is a crude method of doing so. Since this routine does nothing, any critical errors that occur while the TSR is popped up are ignored--which could be very dangerous. Also, if another TSR or ISR pops up after this one, it may get the critical error that was intended for this TSR. NOTE: Normally, this could be an "interrupt" type procedure. However, Turbo Pascal pushes and then pops all registers prior to the IRET instruction. By writing this as an assembler routine, this generates the IRET directly, followed by one superfluous RET instruction generated by the assembler, resulting in substantial code savings. } asm IRET end; { TrapCriticalErrors } procedure CBreakCheck; assembler; { INT 1BH } { This routine results in a no operation; when hooked to the INT 1B Ctrl-Break interrupt handler, it causes nothing to happen when Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C are pressed. This routine is hooked only when the TSR is popped up. } asm IRET end; { CBreakCheck } function GetKey : Integer; { Pauses for input of a single keystroke from the keyboard and returns the ASCII value. In the case where an Extended keyboard key is pressed, GetKey returns the ScanCode + 256. The Turbo Pascal ReadKey function is called to perform the keystroke input. This routine returns a 0 when an Extended key has been typed (for example, left or right arrow) and we must read the next byte to determine the Scan code. } var Ch : Char; begin { While waiting for a key to be pressed, call the INT $28 DOS Idle interrupt to allow background tasks a chance to run. } repeat asm int $28 end; until KeyPressed; Ch := ReadKey; If Ord(Ch) <> 0 then GetKey := Ord(Ch) { Return normal ASCII value. } else { Read the DOS Extended SCAN code that follows. } GetKey := Ord(ReadKey) + 256; end;{GetKey} procedure DoPopUpFunction; { This procedure is the "guts" of the popup application. You can code your own application here, if you want. Be sure to read the text for important restrictions on what can be written in a TSR. As implemented here, this popup displays a table of ASCII values. } const UpperLeftX=10; UpperLeftY=5; { Define upper-left corner of TSR's popup window. } LowerLeftX=70; LowerRightY=20; { Define lower-right corner of TSR's popup window. } Width=LowerLeftX - UpperLeftX + 1; Height=LowerRightY - UpperLeftY + 1; { Calculated width and height of popup window. } MinX=6; { Distance from left edge to display ASCII table. } RightEdge=8; { Marks the right edge (Width-RightEdge) of table. } MinY=4; { Distance from top of window to start ASCII Table. } ValuesPerLine=Width-8 - MinX; { Computed number of ASCII values in each line. } NumLines=255 div ValuesPerLine; { Computed number of lines in the ASCII table. } KEY_LEFTARROW = 331; { Keystroke values for extended keyboard codes. } KEY_RIGHTARROW = 333; KEY_DOWNARROW = 336; KEY_UPARROW = 328; KEY_ESCAPE = 27; KEY_ENTER = 13; procedure PutChar( X, Y: Integer; ChCode: Char ); { Writes the single character ChCode to the screen at (X, Y), where (X, Y) is relative to the TSR popup window. This routine is used for displaying the ASCII table because the usual Pascal Write() translates ASCII 7 to a bell ring, and ASCII 13 and 10 to carriage return and line feed. By using the PC BIOS routine directly, we bypass Pascal's translation of these characters. } begin with CPURegisters do begin { Move the cursor to adjusted (X, Y). } AH := $02; BH := 0; DH := UpperLeftY + Y - 2; DL := UpperLeftX + X - 2; Intr($10, CPURegisters); { Output the character to the current cursor location. } AH := $09; AL := byte(ChCode); BH := 0; BL := 3 shl 4 + 14; { Background=color 3; Foreground=color 14 } CX := 1; Intr($10, CPURegisters); end; end; {PutChar} var ASCIICode: Integer; { Computed from X, Y location in table. } I: Integer; { For loop index variable. } TextLine: String[Width]; { Buffer to hold width of window's text. } X, Y: Integer; { Tracks cursor location in ASCII table. } Ch : Integer; { Holds the keystroke typed. } begin {DoPopUpFunction} { Select White text on Cyan background for { Set up a viewing window; makes calculation of X, Y easier. } Window(UpperLeftX, UpperLeftY, LowerLeftX, LowerRightY); { Enclose the window by drawing a border around it and filling the interior with blanks. } FillChar( TextLine[1], Width, ' '); TextLine[0] := Chr( Width ); TextLine[1] := chr( 179 ); TextLine[Width] := chr( 179 ); for I := 2 to Height - 2 do begin Gotoxy(1, I); Write( TextLine ); end; FillChar( TextLine[1], Width, Chr(196)); TextLine[1] := Chr( 218 ); TextLine[Width] := Chr( 191 ); Gotoxy( 1 , 1 ); Write( TextLine ); TextLine[1] := Chr( 192 ); TextLine[Width] := Chr( 217 ); Gotoxy ( 1, Height - 1 ); Write( TextLine ); { Display window title } Gotoxy ( Width div 2 -10, 2 ); Write( 'Table of ASCII Values' ); { Draw the ASCII table on the display } X := MinX; Y := MinY; for I := 0 to 255 do begin PutChar( X, Y, Chr(I) ); Inc(X); If X = (Width-RightEdge) then begin Inc( Y ); X := MinX; end; end; Gotoxy ( Width div 2 - 20 , 11 ); Write('Use arrow keys to navigate; Esc when done'); X := MinX; Y := MinY; repeat { Compute ASCII code and value at X, Y } ASCIICode := (X-MinX + (Y-MinY)*ValuesPerLine); Gotoxy (Width div 2 - 11 , 13); { NOTE: This allows display of "ASCII codes" greater than 256 if cursor moves into blank area in table. } Write('Character= ', ' ASCII=',ASCIICode:3); PutChar(Width div 2, 13, Chr(ASCIICode)); { Display that value, below } Gotoxy ( X, Y ); Ch := GetKey; Case Ch Of KEY_LEFTARROW: if X > MinX then Dec(X); KEY_RIGHTARROW: if X < (Width - RightEdge - 1) then Inc(X); KEY_DOWNARROW: if Y < (MinY+NumLines) then Inc(Y); KEY_UPARROW: if Y > MinY then Dec(Y); end; until Ch = 27; { End of TSR popup code. } end; {DoPopUpFunction} procedure RunPopUp; { Switches from system stack to TSR's stack. Calls DoPopUpFunction to run the actual TSR application. This keeps all the ugly details separate from the application. Note that while the TSR is up on the screen, and only while the TSR is up, we trap the Ctrl-Break and DOS critical errors interrupt. We do nothing when we see them except return, thereby ignoring the interrupts. } begin { Switch stacks. } asm CLI end; SavedSS := SSeg; SavedSP := SPtr; asm MOV SS, OurSS MOV SP, OurSP STI end; GetIntVec( $1B, PInt1B ); { Disable Ctrl-Break checking. } SetIntVec( $1B, @CBreakCheck ); GetIntVec( $24, PInt24 ); { Trap DOS critical errors. } SetIntVec( $24, @TrapCriticalErrors ); SaveDisplay; DoPopUpFunction; RestoreDisplay; SetIntVec( $24, PInt24 ); { Reenable DOS critical error trapping. } SetIntVec( $1B, PInt1B ); { Reenable Ctrl-C trapping. } { Restore stacks. } asm CLI MOV SS, SavedSS MOV SP, SavedSP STI end; end; {RunPopUp} procedure BackgroundInt; interrupt; { INT 28H } { This routine is hooked in the DOS INT 28H chain, known variously as the DOSOK or DOSIdle interrupt. The idea is that when applications are doing nothing except waiting for a keystroke, they can call INT 28 repeatedly. INT 28 runs through a chain of applications that each get a crack at running. The keyboard interrupt handler watches for the magic TSR popup key. Some of the time it runs the TSR popup directly; when DOS is doing something, however, it can't run the TSR. So, it sets a flag saying "Hey, INT 28, if you see this flag set, then do the TSR." So the INT 28 code, here, examines the flag. If the flag is set, INT 28 knows that the TSR was activated, so it calls it now. We can do this because DOS calls INT 28 only if it's safe for something else to run. } begin { Call saved INT 28H handler. } asm PUSHF CALL PInt28 end; if MadeActive then begin TSRInUse := True; MadeActive := False; RunPopUp; TSRInUse := False; end; end; {BackgroundInt} procedure KeyboardInt; interrupt; { INT 09H } { Examines all keyboard interrupts. First calls the existing interrupt handler. If our TSR is NOT currently running, then it checks for the magic pop keystrokes. If the TSR is already running, then we do not want to activate it again, so we ignore keystroke checking when the TSR is already alive and on-screen. Several bytes in low memory contain keyboard status information. By checking the values in these bytes, various "not normal" key combinations can be detected. As implemented here, the TSR is made active by pressing the left Alt key, plus the SysRq key (Print Screen on my PC). You can change these keystrokes to something else. } const CallTSRMask = 6; { ACTIVATE TSR = left Alt key + SysRq key } var ScanCode: byte absolute $40:$18; { One of the keyboard status bytes. } begin { Call existing keyboard interrupt handler. } asm PUSHF CALL PINT09 end; if not TSRInUse then if (ScanCode and CallTSRMask) = CallTSRMask then begin { The TSR has been activated. } TSRInUse := True; { Set to TRUE to prevent reactivation of this TSR. } if (PInDosFlag^ = 0) then begin { If in "Safe" DOS area, then pop up now. } MadeActive := False; { So INT $28 won't call us. } RunPopUp; TSRInUse := False; end else MadeActive := True; { o/w, set flag let INT 28 call us when ok. } end; end; {KeyboardInt} procedure DoUnInstall ( var Removed: Boolean ); forward; { These are "local" to OurInt12; it is safer to store them in the TSR's global data area than to place them on the stack as local variables. } var IdStr : ^String8; MessageNum : Integer; procedure OurInt12 (_AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP:Word); interrupt; { INT 12H } { Intercepts INT 12H calls. If the ES:BX register just happens to point to IdStr1, then the command-line TSR program just called in. If this is the case, the other registers could be used to pass a message to the running TSR. Here, it's used by the running TSR to return a pointer to another string, confirming that the TSR is indeed running. } var DeInstallOk: Boolean; begin IdStr := Ptr( ES, BX ); { Check to see if ES:BX points to the } { magic ID string } If IdStr^ = IdStr1 then MessageNum := CX else begin MessageNum := 0; { No message rcvd; this is normal DOS call. } asm pushf call PInt12 mov _AX, ax { AX returns the memory size value. } end; end; if MessageNum > 0 then { Process a message directed to this TSR. } begin case MessageNum of 1: begin { Returns pointer to IdStr2 indicating this TSR is here. } ES := Seg(IdStr2); BX := Ofs(IdStr2); end; 2: begin { Performs request to uninstall the TSR. } DoUnInstall (DeInstallOk); if DeInstallOk then CX := 0 { Report success. } else CX := 1; { Report failure. } end; end; end; end; {OurInt12} procedure DoUnInstall ( var Removed: Boolean ); begin { See if any TSRs have loaded in memory after us. If another TSR has loaded after us, then we really cannot safely terminate this TSR. Why? Because when they terminate, they may reset their interrupts to point back to this TSR. And if this TSR is no longer in memory, uh-oh... } Removed := True; GetIntVec( $28, TempPtr ); if TempPtr <> @BackgroundInt then Removed := False; GetIntVec( $12, TempPtr ); If TempPtr <> @OurInt12 then Removed := False; GetIntVec( $09, TempPtr ); if TempPtr <> @KeyBoardInt then Removed := False; if Removed then begin { Restore interrupts } SetIntVec( $28, PInt28 ); SetIntVec( $12, PInt12 ); SetIntVec( $09, PInt09 ); { Free up memory allocated to this program using INT 21 Func=49H "Release memory". } CPURegisters.AH := $49; CPURegisters.ES := PrefixSeg;{ Current program's PSP } Intr( $21, CPURegisters ); end; end; {DoUnInstall} procedure InstallTSR (var AlreadyInstalled: Boolean ); { Installs all interrupt handlers for this TSR. } var PSPPtr : ^Word; IdStr : ^String8; begin { Check to see if the TSR is already running by executing INT 12 with ES:BX pointing to IdStr1. If, after calling INT 12, ES:BX points to IdStr2, then the TSR is running since it must have intercepted INT 12 and set ES:BX to those return values. } with CPURegisters do begin ES := Seg(IdStr1); BX := Ofs(IdStr1); CX := 1; Intr( $12, CPURegisters ); IdStr := Ptr( ES, BX ); if IdStr^ = IdStr2 then begin AlreadyInstalled := True; Exit; end; { TSR hasn't been installed, so install our INT 12 driver. } asm cli end; GetIntVec( $12, PInt12 ); SetIntVec( $12, @OurInt12 ); asm sti end; end; AlreadyInstalled := False; MadeActive := False; DiskInUse := 0; { Check to see if TSR is already installed. } TSRInUse := False; { Deallocate DOS Environment block if not needed. } { Comment out this code if you need to access environment strings. } PSPPtr := Ptr( PrefixSeg, $2C ); CPURegisters.AX := $4900; CPURegisters.ES := PSPPtr^; Intr( $21, CPURegisters); asm cli end; { Save and set INT 28H, background process interrupt. } GetIntVec( $28, PInt28 ); SetIntVec( $28, @BackgroundInt ); { Save and set INT 09H, the keyboard interrupt handler. } GetIntVec( $09, PInt09 ); SetIntVec( $09, @KeyboardInt ); asm sti end; { Initialize pointer to DOS's InDos flag. } { Uses INT 21H Function 34H to retrieve a pointer to the InDos flag. The result is returned in the ES:BX registers. } CPURegisters.AH := $34; Intr( $21, CPURegisters ); PInDosFlag := Ptr( CPURegisters.ES, CPURegisters.BX ); asm CLI end; { Save our SS:SP for later use. } OurSS := SSeg; OurSP := SPtr; asm STI end; end; {InstallTSR} var InstallError: Boolean; begin {program} InstallTSR( InstallError ); if InstallError then begin { This means that the TSR is already running. In that case, see if the command line requests an uninstall. } if (ParamStr(1) = '/u') or (ParamStr(1) = '/U') then { Send an Uninstall message to the TSR } with CPURegisters do begin ES := Seg(IdStr1); BX := Ofs(IdStr1); CX := 2; Intr( $12, CPURegisters ); if CX = 0 then Writeln('TSR is now uninstalled.') else Writeln('Unable to uninstall.'); Exit; end else Writeln('!!!TSR is already installed!!!'); end else begin Writeln('TSR is now resident.'); Keep( 0 ); { Exit to DOS, leaving program memory-resident. } end; end. {program}