{ From: mav@dseg.ti.com (Michael Vincze) >I am trying to put together an owner drawn list box that has it's own >strings. (i.e. Style := Style AND NOT lbs_HasStrings) Windows never calls >my DrawItem method. I think it may have something to do with the fact >that I do not know how to tell windows how many items there are in the >list box. (Maybe it thinks there are none... *shrug*) > >If anyone has had this problem, or has knows where I can get source >examples of owner-drawn list boxes that have their own strings, please >let me know. Included is an example of an owner drawn list box. The example is in two parts: "ownlist.pas", and "ownlist.res". The resource file has been translated with uuencode. { Author: Michael Vincze 12/27/93 } { } { Purpose: Shows how to create an owner drawn list box. } { } { Usage: Simply run. } program OwnListBox; uses WinCrt, BWCC, Strings, WinTypes, WinProcs, Objects, OWindows, ODialogs; {$R OwnList} const ApplicationName: PChar = 'Owner Draw List Box'; wListBoxId = 200; { ID of OwnerDrawn ListBox Control } wNumItems = 12; { Number of items added to ListBox } type PODListBox = ^TODListBox; TODListBox = object (TListBox) hIcon1, hIcon2: HICON; constructor InitResource (AParent: PWindowsObject; ResourceID: Integer); destructor Done; virtual; procedure ODADrawEntire (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); procedure ODAFocus (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); procedure ODASelect (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); procedure DrawEntry (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); procedure DrawSelf (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); end; TTemplateApplication = object (TApplication) procedure InitMainWindow; virtual; end; PTemplateWindow = ^TTemplateWindow; TTemplateWindow = object (TDlgWindow) AnOwnListBox: PODListBox; constructor Init (AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); procedure SetupWindow; virtual; function GetClassName : PChar; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; procedure WMMeasureItem (var Msg: TMessage); virtual wm_First + wm_MeasureItem; procedure WMDrawItem (var Msg: TMessage); virtual wm_First + wm_DrawItem; end; constructor TODListBox.InitResource (AParent: PWindowsObject; ResourceID: Integer); begin inherited InitResource (AParent, ResourceId); hIcon1 := LoadIcon (0, idi_Exclamation); { hIcon2 := LoadIcon (0, idi_Question); } hIcon2 := LoadIcon (hInstance, 'icon_1') end; destructor TODListBox.Done; begin inherited Done; DestroyIcon (hIcon2); end; procedure TODListBox.ODADrawEntire (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); begin DrawEntry (DrawItemStruct); if (DrawItemStruct^.itemState and ods_Focus) <> 0 then DrawFocusRect (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem); end; procedure TODListBox.ODAFocus (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); begin DrawFocusRect (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem); end; procedure TODListBox.ODASelect (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); begin DrawEntry (DrawItemStruct); if (DrawItemStruct^.itemState and ods_focus) <> 0 then DrawFocusRect (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem); end; procedure TODListBox.DrawSelf (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); begin with DrawItemStruct^ do begin if (itemAction and oda_DrawEntire) <> 0 then ODADrawEntire (DrawItemStruct) else if (itemAction and oda_Focus) <> 0 then ODAFocus (DrawItemStruct) else if (itemAction and oda_Select) <> 0 then ODASelect (DrawItemStruct) end; end; procedure TODListBox.DrawEntry (DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct); var dwColor : Word; szString: array [0..100] of Char; TextRect: TRect; bkColor : LongInt; begin wvsprintf (szString, 'This is ListBox Entry %d', DrawItemStruct^.itemID ); dwColor := GetTextColor (DrawItemStruct^.hDC); CopyRect (TextRect, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem); Inc (TextRect.Left, 50); { Should create a logbrush that is the background and then fill if in appropriately. FillRect (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem, GetStockObject (gray_brush)); } if (DrawItemStruct^.itemState and ODS_SELECTED) <> 0 then begin SetTextColor (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, RGB ($ff,0,0)); if (hIcon1) <> 0 then DrawIcon (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem.left+10, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem.top, hIcon1); end else begin if (hIcon2) <> 0 then DrawIcon (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem.left+10, DrawItemStruct^.rcItem.top, hIcon2); end; DrawText (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, szString, StrLen (szString), TextRect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER or DT_LEFT); SetTextColor (DrawItemStruct^.hDC, dwColor); end; procedure TTemplateApplication.InitMainWindow; begin MainWindow := New (PTemplateWindow, Init (nil, 'MainDialog')); end; constructor TTemplateWindow.Init (AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); begin inherited Init (AParent, ATitle); AnOwnListBox := New (PODListBox, InitResource (@Self, wListBoxId)); end; function TTemplateWindow.GetClassName; begin GetClassName := 'BorDlg' end; destructor TTemplateWindow.Done; begin inherited Done; end; procedure TTemplateWindow.SetupWindow; var I: Word; begin inherited SetupWindow; for I :=0 to wNumItems - 1 do AnOwnListBox^.AddString (MAKEINTRESOURCE( i )); end; procedure TTemplateWindow.WMMeasureItem (var Msg: TMessage); var lpMeasureItem: PMEASUREITEMSTRUCT; begin lpMeasureItem := PMEASUREITEMSTRUCT (Msg.LParam); if (lpMeasureItem^.CtlType = ODT_LISTBOX) and (lpMeasureItem^.CtlID = wListBoxId) then lpMeasureItem^.itemHeight := GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYICON) else DefWndProc (Msg); end; procedure TTemplateWindow.WMDrawItem (var Msg: TMessage); begin if (PDrawItemStruct (Msg.lParam)^.CtlId) = wListBoxId then AnOwnListBox^.DrawSelf (PDrawItemStruct (Msg.lParam)); Msg.Result := 1; end; var Application:TTemplateApplication; begin Application.Init (ApplicationName); Application.Run; Application.Done; end. {---------- snip ---------- snip ---------- snip ---------- snip ----------} begin 644 ownlist.res M_P, _P$ ,!#H @ * " ! 0 $ " @ M ( ( " @ " @ " (" " @( P,# M_P _P /__ /\ #_ /\ __\ /___P M N[N[NP +N[N[N[N[L +N[N[N[N[N[NP M N[N[N[N[N[N[NP "[N[N[N[N[N[N[NP +N[N[N[N[N[N[N[ MNP N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[NP +N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[L N[N[N[N[N[N[ MN[N[N[L +N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[ "[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[NP + +N[N[ MN[N[N[N[N[NP +N[L+N[N[N[N[N[N[N[L "[N[L+NPNPNPNP"P L+ N[N[ M"[L NPL+L+L+N["P +N[NP"["P L+L+ N[ "[N[L "PNPNP +"P"PL + M"[N[ + +L+L L N[ +L "P"[NP"[N[N[N[N[N[N[L "[ +N[N[N[N[N[N[ MNP N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[L +N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[ +N[N[N[N[N[N[ MN[N[L "[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[ "[N[N[N[N[N[N[N[L "[N[N[N[ MN[N[N[NP "[N[N[N[N[N[N[ "[N[N[N[N[N[L + MN[N[N[N[L "[N[N[ /_P M#___@ '__@ ?_P #_X ?\ #^ ? #P X & !@ M 0 @ 8 & ! 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