{ From: peter.gruhn@delta.com (Peter Gruhn) Ba> What I want to know is, can some-one post a sample of source code Ba> that would provide a 'beginners shell' for windows programming. I.e. How about if I post this test code that somebody wanted a few days ago. It has no interaction and doesn't bother to make use of the timer or anything in the draw loop, but it's a quick draw loop. You can set up timers and i/o responses as you see fit. Right off though, just having a window to draw in is a good start. It's how I started... by Peter Gruhn it's small and useless and stupid and somebody might find it useful, so I release this program into the public domain for the good of all sentient species the universe over. 7-8-1994} program offscree; uses owindows,winprocs,wintypes; type TMyApp=object(tapplication) procedure initmainwindow; virtual; end; PMyWin=^TMyWin; TMyWin=object(TWindow) procedure Paint(PaintDC: HDC; var PaintInfo: TPaintStruct); virtual; end; procedure TMyApp.initmainwindow; begin mainwindow:=new(pmywin,init(nil,'Try this...')); end; procedure TMyWin.Paint; var adc:hdc; abmp:hbitmap; i:integer; s:string; begin {Create stuff} adc:=createcompatibledc(paintdc); {I believe that I am cheating here, by just divving number of bits by 2 as I happen to know that right now I am in 16 colour mode. You will forgive me.} abmp:=createcompatiblebitmap(paintdc,300 div 2,300 div 2); abmp:=selectobject(adc,abmp); {Blank off screen bitmap of random data} bitblt(adc,0,0,300,300,adc,0,0,whiteness); {Draw something} for i:=0 to 1024 do begin rectangle(adc,random(300),random(300),random(300),random(300)); str(i:5,s); {textify i for...} s[6]:=#0; {null terminator} textout(paintdc,10,10,@(s[1]),byte(s[0])); {just to count so it don't look plain} end; {blit it to the window} bitblt(paintdc,10,10,300,300,adc,0,0,srccopy); {Kill stuff} deleteobject(selectobject(adc,abmp)); deletedc(adc); end; var app:TMyApp; begin app.init('frog'); app.run; app.done; end.