{ This program demonstrates a simple terminal emulator using Serial Communications. Windows provides support for the communications port so your program will be able to poll the port and send/recieve data from a remote location. Since this is not a program that Borland International has developed through normal quality channels, we do not provide technical support or establish bug lists for this demonstration program. It is for the sole purpose of demonstrating the use of the available functions. } Program Terminal; uses WinTypes, WinProcs, WObjects, Strings; const idEdit = 100; LineWidth = 80; { Width of each line displayed. } LineHeight = 60; { Number of lines that are held in memory. } { The configuration string below is used to configure the modem. } { It is set for communication port 2, 2400 baud, No parity, 8 data } { bits, 1 stop bit. } Config = 'com2:24,n,8,1'; CPort = 'com2'; { An example of using communication port 1, 1200 baud, Even parity } { 7 data bits, 2 stop bits. } { Config = 'com1:12,e,7,2'; } type TApp = object(TApplication) procedure Idle; virtual; procedure InitMainWindow; virtual; procedure MessageLoop; virtual; end; PBuffer = ^TBuffer; TBuffer = object(TCollection) Pos: Integer; constructor Init(AParent: PWindow); procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; function PutChar(C: Char): Boolean; end; PCommWindow = ^TCommWindow; TCommWindow = object(TWindow) Cid: Integer; Buffer: PBuffer; FontRec: TLogFont; CharHeight: Integer; constructor Init(AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); destructor Done; virtual; procedure Error(E: Integer; C: PChar); procedure Paint(PaintDC: HDC; var PaintInfo: TPaintStruct); virtual; procedure ReadChar; virtual; procedure SetHeight; procedure SetUpWindow; virtual; procedure wmChar(var Message: TMessage); virtual wm_Char; procedure wmSize(var Message: TMessage); virtual wm_Size; procedure WriteChar; end; { TBuffer } { The Buffer is used to hold each line that is displayed in the main } { window. The constant LineHeight determines the number of lines that } { are stored. The Buffer is preloaded with the LineHeight worth of } { lines. } constructor TBuffer.Init(AParent: PWindow); var P: PChar; I: Integer; begin TCollection.Init(LineHeight + 1, 10); GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); P[0] := #0; Pos := 0; Insert(P); for I := 1 to LineHeight do begin GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); P[0] := #0; Insert(P); end; end; procedure TBuffer.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin FreeMem(Item, LineWidth + 1); end; { This procedure processes all incomming in formation from the comm } { port. This procedure is called by TCommWindow.ReadChar. } function TBuffer.PutChar(C: Char): Boolean; var Width: Integer; P: PChar; begin PutChar := False; Case C of #13: Pos := 0; { if a Carriage Return. } #10: { if a Line Feed. } begin GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); FillChar(P^, LineWidth + 1, ' '); P[Pos] := #0; Insert(P); end; #8: if Pos > 0 then { if a Delete. } begin Dec(Pos); P := At(Count - 1); P[Pos] := ' '; end; #32..#128: { else handle all other } begin { displayable characters.} P := At(Count - 1); Width := StrLen(P); if Width > LineWidth then { if line is to wide } begin { create a new line. } Pos := 1; GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); P[0] := C; P[1] := #0; Insert(P); end else { else add character } begin { to current line. } P[Pos] := C; Inc(Pos); P[Pos] := #0; end; end; end; if Count > LineHeight then { if more to many lines } begin { have been added delete} AtFree(0); { current line and let } PutChar := True; { the call procedure } end; { know to scroll up. } end; { TCommWindow } { The CommWindow displays the incoming and out goinging text. Note } { that the text type by the use is displayed by } { being echoed back to the ReadChar procedure. So there is no need for } { wmChar to write a character to the screen. } constructor TCommWindow.Init(AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); begin TWindow.Init(AParent, ATitle); Attr.Style := Attr.Style or ws_VScroll; Scroller := New(PScroller, Init(@Self, 1, 1, 100, 100)); Buffer := New(PBuffer, Init(@Self)); end; { Close the Comm port and deallocate the Buffer. } destructor TCommWindow.Done; begin Error(CloseComm(Cid), 'Close'); Dispose(Buffer, Done); TWindow.Done; end; { Checks for comm errors and writes any errors. } procedure TCommWindow.Error(E: Integer; C: PChar); var S: array[0..100] of Char; begin if E >= 0 then exit; Str(E, S); MessageBox(GetFocus, S, C, mb_Ok); end; { Redraw all the lines in the buffer by using ForEach. } procedure TCommWindow.Paint(PaintDC: HDC; var PaintInfo: TPaintStruct); var I: Integer; Font: HFont; procedure WriteOut(Item: PChar); far; begin TextOut(PaintDC, 0, CharHeight * I, Item, StrLen(Item)); inc(I); end; begin I := 0; Font := SelectObject(PaintDC, CreateFontIndirect(FontRec)); Buffer^.ForEach(@WriteOut); DeleteObject(SelectObject(PaintDC, Font)); end; { Read a charecter from the comm port, if there is no error then call } { Buffer^.PutChar to add it to the buffer and write it to the screen. } procedure TCommWindow.ReadChar; var Stat: TComStat; I, Size: Integer; C: Char; begin GetCommError(CID, Stat); for I := 1 to Stat.cbInQue do begin Size := ReadComm(CId, @C, 1); Error(Size, 'Read Comm'); if C <> #0 then begin if Buffer^.PutChar(C) then begin ScrollWindow(HWindow, 0, -CharHeight, Nil, Nil); UpDateWindow(HWindow); end; WriteChar; end; end; end; procedure TCommWindow.SetUpWindow; var DCB: TDCB; begin TWindow.SetUpWindow; SetHeight; { Open for Comm2 2400 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit } BuildCommDCB(Config, DCB); Cid := OpenComm('COM2', 1024, 1024); Error(Cid, 'Open'); DCB.ID := CID; Error(SetCommState(DCB), 'Set Comm State'); WriteComm(Cid, 'ATZ'#13#10, 5); { Send a reset to Modem. } end; { Call back function used only in to get record structure for fixed } { width font. } function GetFont(LogFont: PLogFont; TM: PTextMetric; FontType: Word; P: PCommWindow): Integer; export; begin if P^.CharHeight = 0 then begin P^.FontRec := LogFont^; P^.CharHeight := P^.FontRec.lfHeight; end; end; { Get the a fixed width font to use in the TCommWindow. Use EnumFonts } { to save work of create the FontRec by hand. } { The TScroller of the main window is also updated know that the font } { height is known. } procedure TCommWindow.SetHeight; var DC: HDC; ProcInst: Pointer; begin DC := GetDC(HWindow); CharHeight := 0; ProcInst := MakeProcInstance(@GetFont, HInstance); EnumFonts(DC, 'Courier', ProcInst, @Self); FreeProcInstance(ProcInst); ReleaseDC(HWindow, DC); Scroller^.SetUnits(CharHeight, CharHeight); Scroller^.SetRange(LineWidth, LineHeight); Scroller^.ScrollTo(0, LineHeight); end; { Write the character from the pressed key to the Communication Port. } procedure TCommWindow.wmChar(var Message: TMessage); begin if CID <> 0 then Error(WriteComm(CId, @Message.wParam, 1), 'Writing'); end; procedure TCommWindow.wmSize(var Message: TMessage); begin TWindow.wmSize(Message); Scroller^.SetRange(LineWidth, LineHeight - (Message.lParamhi div CharHeight)); end; procedure TCommWindow.WriteChar; var DC: HDC; Font: HFont; S: PChar; APos: Integer; begin APos := Buffer^.Count - 1; S := Buffer^.AT(APos); APos := (APos - Scroller^.YPos) * CharHeight; if APos < 0 then exit; if Hwindow <> 0 then begin DC := GetDC(HWindow); Font := SelectObject(DC, CreateFontIndirect(FontRec)); TextOut(DC, 0, APos, S, StrLen(S)); DeleteObject(SelectObject(DC, Font)); ReleaseDC(HWindow, DC); end; end; { TApp } procedure TApp.Idle; var Stat: TComStat; I, Size: Integer; C: Char; begin if MainWindow <> Nil then if MainWindow^.HWindow <> 0 then PCommWindow(MainWindow)^.ReadChar; end; procedure TApp.InitMainWindow; begin MainWindow := New(PCommWindow, Init(Nil, 'Comm Test')); end; { Add Idle loop to main message loop used for polling. } procedure TApp.MessageLoop; var Message: TMsg; begin while True do begin if PeekMessage(Message, 0, 0, 0, pm_Remove) then begin if Message.Message = wm_Quit then begin Status := Message.WParam; Exit; end; if not ProcessAppMsg(Message) then begin TranslateMessage(Message); DispatchMessage(Message); end; end else Idle; end; end; var App: TApp; begin App.Init('Comm'); App.Run; App.Done; end.